The Dream

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“Wake up….’’

I slowly open my eyes and I see Sandra. I jump up. “I’m not gonna hurt you.’’ She said. I sit up straight. I see the warmth in her eyes. This is the Sandra I know. I look around and I’m back in my room. What am I doing here? “Where’s Kevin and Angelo… and R-‘’ I didn’t want to say his name. “Who?? I think you were dreaming” she walks to my dresser and she starts to comb her hair.  If all of that was a dream then everything is back to normal. Or everything was already normal. I was just lost in a dream. I look outside my window and the sun it was shining bright. I close my eyes and bask in the rays of the sun. I get out of the bed and go up to the window. I was really feeling cold. The sun made me feel warmer. “Sandra I was wondering maybe we can have a picnic outside-’’ I turn around and see a pool of blood on the floor. I saw that it led up to me. I slowly put my hand to my neck. My eyes get bigger when I feel my hand moist and I feel trickles of blood falling down my skin. “S-Sandra?’’ I look around for her my hand still on my neck.

“I told you we will be together’’

I feel lips on my neck and I felt as if my soul was forcefully being sucked out of a very tiny hole. My body slowly turning cold. I was still standing near the window. The sun shining bright. The sun’s rays started to shine brighter and brighter. I felt my body become warm again.


I blink and I see Ray. He looked worried. I blink again. I realize I’m awake. I put my hand to my neck. No blood. I look around the room. I’m not home. That means no Sandra. But just for this one time. I’m glad there was no Sandra.

“Are you alright?’’ he says not looking at me as if he was ashamed. ‘’Were you in here the whole time?’’ He nods. “Why did you wake me up? Was I screaming?’’ I know I was dreaming but I didn’t scream in my dream. So why did he wake me up?

“No you weren’t screaming. I don’t know why I woke you up. I’m very sorry. I won’t do it again’’

Can he read my thoughts? He had to know something was up? Maybe if I think of something strange he might give me a weird look then I’ll know he’s reading my mind. Wait. Didn’t I just give it away if he’s reading my mind right now? Oh whatever. I thought of his eyes. His red eyes. The angry ones. I squint my eyes and just stare at him while I think about his eyes.


Why is she staring at me like that? Maybe I should just leave. I bet she wants me to go but she doesn’t want to be mean.

“I’ll go make breakfast.’’

“Wait… what was I thinking’’ she said


“Can’t you read my mind?’’

“I’m a vampire not a mind reader.’’

I raise my eyebrow. Why would she think I can read peoples mind? She is a weird one. But an intriguingly weird girl.

“In my dream. I saw Sandra…’’

I flinch a little bit. I don’t like her friend. Maybe because she wanted to make her hers. When I want to make her mine.

“I was back in my room and I saw her she was normal you know. Not crazy lesbian vampire.’’ She chuckles.

“What happened?’’

“I was bleeding a lot. She was drinking my blood and my body got cold but then it got warm and warmer all of a sudden. That’s when I heard you say my name I woke up. This might sound weird but it was like you were the sun.’’ she smiles

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