Chapter 1

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The story will be told in Harry's POV unless otherwise stated.

Ill update every suday :)

Happy reading!

- Rach xx


It was a dreary Monday, rain tapping along the window pane as if to remind us of it's presense. I groaned and rolled over, blindly searching for my overly loud alarm. After two minutes of giving my bedside table a pat down I grunted as I leaped out of bed and out into the hallway.

"Louis," I yelled through clenched teeth. My roommate came strolling through the hall, not a care in the world. He came to a hault and instantly started smirking.

"Oh hello Harry, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He teased still smirking.

I brushed the stray curls out if my eyes trying to calm myself down. I shouldn't get so mad over this.

Softening my voice I asked him, "Boo, where is my phone? That alarm is giving me a headache." I waited for his response, but yet it never came. I looked up from the ground and seen that he was gone? I sighed. I guess I was never going to get my alarm back. I reached into my phone to check the time when suddenly someone jumped on my back and we tumbled down the stairs.

I hissed at the pain in my upper thigh from hitting the floor. I threw Louis off me and stumbled up only to wobbly fall into the coffe table.

Next thing I new I was hearing Louis shout my name, then blackness.

Louis' POV

Oh no what did I do! Poor Harry I didn't mean to make him unconscious...what if he's really hurt?!

"Harry," I asked hoping for him to jump up and yell at me. Sadly, he just layed there.

"Harry seriously wake up!" I yelled becoming desperate to hear his voice to let me know he's ok.

I ran over to him and rolled him over, he looked pale, but nonetheless beautiful- wait what? Harry's your mate Louis you don't think he's beautiful. Anyways focus! I pulled his head into my lap and I felt the tears swell in my eyes. I feel so helpless.

Harry's POV

I feel a wet substance on my cheek? What the hell is going on. With all the strength I had in my body I commaned my brain to open my eyes. I was greeted with a scene that I never like to see, my Louis crying. Yes I like Louis if you haven't figured out by now, but sadly he will never return the feelings.

Louis let out a muffled sob, and seemed to be chanting something around "I'm sorry Harry so sorry."

I sat up, and he still hasn't noticed I was awake.

"Boo," I spoke gently caressing his cheek to wipe his tears, "shh I'm okay Louis."

Louis looked up at me, eyes red and puffy from crying, and shot me the brightest smile ever. He jumped into my lap and buried his head in my curls.

"Oh my gosh Harry I'm so sorry ill never do anything stupid ever again I thought you were really hurt oh my-" Louis rambled until I cut him off.

"Lou!" He stared at me, eyes glistening with happiness, maybe even love? No Harry don't get your hopes up. "It's fine, don't worry about it mate, no reason to get so upset."

He chuckled, "yeah your right Haz, sorry lad." He awkwardly got up and walked towards the bathroom probably to get a shower. Before he reached the bathroom he shouted, "We have rehearsals at....9 and a meeting with Mangement at 2! Make me breakfast then well go ok bye!"

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