Chapter 8

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((If there's any mistakes I blame autocorrect ok I don't really proof read))

sorry for the wait once I get into the writing mood something big happens then I am out of this mood.

Like I met emblem three aGAIN 2 WEEKS AGO 


Okay on with it,

There's gonna be a sequel so this should end in a few chapters.


Niall woke up with a groan. He stretched his relaxed limbs and slowly climbed out of bed. His feet left a pitter pattered echo that reverberated a long the hallway. He could faintly smell the aroma of pancakes filling his nostrils. Ahhhh, Zayn he thought.

Upon entering the living room he noticed that a certain Cheshire lad was missing, and his lanky body had left and indent in his coach.

"Harry?" Niall yelled. Where is the kid Niall thought to himself.

He turned the cornor and strutted into the kitchen, running into a shirtless Zayn.

"Oh sorry mate," the blonde said, startled, "have you seen Harry?"

"Harry?" Zayn asked confused, "why would he be here?"

Niall sighed, he forget he had to tell the other boys today. Well by other he meant Zayn and Liam, there was no way he was telling Louis.

"Long story mate," Niall responded, "later yeah?"

Zayn nodded and went back to making the food he previously was intrigued by.

Niall started to become frantic, with Harry in this frame of mind, who knows what he will do.

Deciding he would check for the worst first, he headed to the bathroom. He walked in to find nothing, but upon further investigation he noticed a few red blotches on the floor.

"Harry," he mumbled to himself feeling the tears well up again. Niall was always that kid who got upset when others were upset.

He quickly got up and ran through the hall past Zayn and to the front door.

"I'm gonna go look for Harry Zi, be back in a bit I hope," he quickly manged to spit out

"Okay call me if you-" Zayn was cut off by Niall slamming the door shut.

Zayn shook his head, he was a but confused by the boys actions. Nothing to worry about he thought to himself.

Niall ran down the hall to Louis and Harry's flat to see if maybe they decided to make up.

Niall barged in the unlocked flat, not bothering to knock. He ran in and looked around the living room.

No Harry.

"Louis?" Niall called out, "Harry?"

Niall was met with silence. He sighed and walked toward the kitchen only to find dirty dishes and takeout still sitting on the counter.

In any other circumstance, he would have maybe ate some of the takeout. But right now there were bigger problems then his growing appetite.

He continued to walk through the kitchen when he came upon a note on the fridge, it read

Dear Lou,

You know what you need to do! I wish you the best of luck. Go get 'em ;)

- Eleanor

What? Niall thought. He shrugged, he would have to ask Louis about that later.

He jogged down the hallway towards the bathroom to see if any sign that Harry even stopped home was there. Sadly he walked into a spotless bathroom, but it had a strong smell of bleach in the air. Niall payed no mind to it, if Louis wanted to be a neat freak, well what the hell who's to stop him?

He exited the bathroom and continued down the dimly lit hall, checking Harry's bedroom.

It looked a bit disheveled, but of corse Niall isn't one to pay attention to detail and payed no mind to the mesy room.

There was only one place left to check.

Louis room.

He knew it would be a longshot, considering the fallout they had the other day but it was worth a shot.

He gently opened the door to the older mans room and peeked in. He sadly only seen one lump in the duvet, instantly telling him that Harry wasn't here. He walked over to Louis bed and shook the man awake.

"mmmmph....Harry?" Louis sleepily asked.

"No mate," Niall sighed, "speaking of Harry have you seen him?"

Louis, who looked a bit more awake became distressed. "No," he said slowly, "I haven't seen him since.....well" he trailed off.

Niall instantly paled. There was a suicidal boy on the loose and he wasn't in the frame of mind to be alone. There was only one question that needed to be answered.

Where is Harry?

(Sorry for the shit chapter I am out of it and I needed to update bc I feel like I'm neglecting you guys so I'm sorry it's so short bYE)

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