Chapter 9

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Hi okay so a lot has been going on which is why I haven't updated in awhile.

Long story short one of my classmates has passed away so I'm still dealing with that.


Anywho, do you still want a sequel? Because if so this book will end in one chapter then there will be a sequel.

Please comment, the more comments I get the more motivation I have to keep writing.

Warnings: lots of cursing bc Niall and yeah

- Rach x


"Shit," Niall cursed to himself. This was not good, and Niall was now freaking out. "Shit shit shit shit!" Niall yelled.

"Calm down mate-"

"No Lou! You don't get it," Niall retorted.

"What don't I get niall?" Louis questioned, "are you in love with Harry or something?!"

Niall scoffed, he has to be joking he thought to himself.

"Would ya get your head out if your ass Lou? Harry loves you! Not me!" Niall saw Louis mumble something but he didnt catch it. "How dare you even say that? You know he cuts himself because of you!" Niall's face paled, Louis wasn't suposed to know, no one was. But then again, the damage was already done so he might as well as told the lad now.

Louis felt his stomach tie into knots, he didnt know. His eyes started to glisten with tears at the thought of his Harry (his Harry yeah right) sitting somewhere, boxer clad legs pressing a razor into his own skin.

"Don't you cry Tomlinson, don't you fucking cry."

Louis didn't notice he was actually crying until he tasted the salty substance on his lips. He felt like shit. He caused Harry to do this.

"You led him on this whole time!" No I didn't, Louis thought. "It's all your fault hes even lost right now, you acted like you loved him until fucking Eleanor came into the picture."

Louis couldn't take it anymore. He finally realized he was deeply inlove with Harry.

"It wasn't an act." Louis said in a monotone voice.

"What do you mean it wasn't an act?" Niall asked curiously.

"I love him."

"Well you're doing a shit job at it."

"I know," Louis sighed. He raked a hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut.

Niall on the other hand was still panicking. He dialed Harry's cell atleast 100 times so far during their argument, but he has yet to answer. Finally, after what has seemed like years Harry answered the phone.

"Hello," said a voice

"Harry! Are you alright where are you?" Niall yelled into the phone frantically.

"I'm breathing, so I'm alright. Uh don't worry about where I am yeah?"

Niall could hear the heavy bass and the chatter of random people in the background, that boy knew a party when he heard one.

"Are you.....are you at a club?"

Harry sighed, "well yeah, might as well do something fun until "this" ends right?"

Niall began to grow even more worried, Louis watched the scene with tired, but worried eyes.

"What are you talking about? What's ending Harry."

"I think you know what I mean Niall."

Niall let out a small whimper, no he cannot let his friend do this.

In a shaky voice Niall said, "Harry, we both know that isn't a good idea and you'll regret it please stop and come home."

Louis throat began to get itchy. He could feel the contents in his stomach trying to force their way up. Not knowing what Harry was saying on the phone was making him drive insane.

Meanwhile, at the club Harry currently was downing his 12th or was it 13th shot? He lost count.

"You don't get it Ni, Louis is my everything, so if he can't love one can..not even myself. I know why he doesn't like me, I'm disgusting. I'm a faggot. So why don't I just end it all now?"

Harry could hear Niall crying over the phone.

"Harry please! Come home," he pleaded softly, "Louis loves you!"

"Stop trying Niall, I know he doesn't."

"It's true Haz." Said a new voice

"L-...Lou?" Harry breathed shakily.

"Yeah...hi love," Louis whispered.

"Hi," Harry squeaked, to drunk and unstable to handle his emotions.

"Please come home? I...I love you ok?"

Harry could almost hear the disgust, the hatred in his voice.

"No," he yelled tears brimming over his green eyes.

"Why not Harry please! We can finally be together, if you want that!"

"I know you don't want that Lou! Stop getting my hopes up! I'm doing this for everyone, I'm the attention whore, or the womanizer. When really, all I wanted was your love. But I understand you don't feel the same," Harry heard Louis as he quietly let out a small sob, he continued speaking, shakily he said "So I'm doing this as a favor for everyone. Tell Niall, Liam and Zayn that they're the best mates I could ever have. Tell Mum and Gem I love them and m'sorry. Oh and finally, I love you Louis."

And with that he hung up.

He shook his head, fixed his curls and headed out the door. It was finally time, he was done and he was going to end it...once and for all.


Sorry if it's bad I'm rusty ;)

Please comment :-)

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