Chapter 3

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I wrote this during class, so if there's any mistakes sorry.

(shitty chapter)

Louis POV

I quickly hurried out the door and started my search for the curly haired bloke.

I ran around searching, endlessly. From the park to the local bars and I still couldn't find him.

Running, looking, hoping I could find any sign of Harry I found myself lost. I began to lose all hope but suddenly I heard a groan followed by a muffled,

"I'm sorry boo," the voice mumbled.

That voice, that sweet soft voice. The voice I broke. Harry!

I sprinted over to where I thought I heard the voice and stumbled upon a horrific sight. Harry. In a pool of his own blood.

I choked out a muffled sob and ran over to the poor boy.

"Harry, Hazza, c'mon babe stay with me here," I managed to stay through my tears.

"B-Boo?" He whispered, sounding confused.

"Yeah, i-it's me," I whispered.

"I'm sorry," he said as a tear rolled down his pale cheek.

"Shh, don't worry about that now Haz you gotta stay awake for me."

"Okay LouLou, ill try for you," he babbled.

I quickly pulled out my phone and called an ambulance, praying that Harry would be ok.

"M'sleepy," Harry mumbled.

"No no Harry you need to stay awake! You can go to bed later," Louis begged hoping he would hold on until the hospital.

What seemed like forever, the ambulance finally arrived and the strapped Harry onto a stretcher.

I went to hop in the vehicle but the nurse stopped me.

"You can't come in here sir," the woman who looked like she was in her late thirties spoke fiercely.

"No! I have to! Please," I yelled, whimpering at the end.

"I'm sorry sir," and with that they sped away.

I stood there, bewildered at what had just happened.

I had to tell the boys, and I have to get the hospital. Quick.

Liam's POV (switching it uppp)

"Niall shut up!" Zayn groaned for the tenth time this minute.

"But I'm hungry!" Niall whined.

"You JUST ate!" I stated.

He ran away into the kitchen mumbling, "I don't give two shits."

I plopped on the couch when my iPhone started to ring.

"Hello?" I answered

"Liam! Oh my gosh harrygotshotsotheytookhimawayandicouldntgo-"

"Niall you fucker look at the floor!" Zayn bellowed.

"It's not my fucking fault it slipped!" Niall yelled back.

"Shut the fuck up right now!" I shouted. "What Lou? Talk slower."

"Me and Harry got in a fight and he ran away and never came back so I decided to go look for him," he babbled.

"Ok go on,"

"So I almost gave up looking when I heard groans from an alleyway so I went and checked it out. It was Harry and...and...h-he was bleeding to death." way that can't happen no...not to Harry!

"But I called an ambulance and it got here...they took him away....t-t-they wouldn't let me in the car!" Louis said as sobs escaped his mouth. "Help, please."

Liam ran to the kitchen and stood infront of the two bickering boys,

"We have to go to the hospital, now"

Sorry I made you guys wait so long for a shitty update I'm sorry.


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