Introductions [Kongpob]

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"Get rid of him" Kongpob instructed his minion on the phone with his fierce voice.

"But, Boss... he's-"

"No more discussions" Kongpob disconnected the call, clearly stating that there's no room for arguments.

Ah... Do I need to introduce myself? But I am not a Hero. But still, if you insist, My name is Kongpob Suthiluck and people call me Lion, Mafia King of Thailand. I am 25, making me the youngest and also powerful don. Any sort of underworld business in Thailand should get across through me. And I mean it. If doing underworld business is illegal then something that is happening without my permission is a sin. And being a 'Lucifer of Underworld', I punish them to death. See, I told you... I am not a hero.

But I am also not a villain either. I am Someone who controls the underworld to reach its worse state. I protect the people who need protection and eliminate those who are a danger to weak people.

If you doubt as to why an underworld has to be controlled to reach its worse, then imagine how it will be to have a ruthless don on loose, without any fear? He'll attack the weak and to prevent that, I make them scared of the consequences.

I am now the owner of billion dollar assets. Because of this, people think that I reek of money but I use it only when it's required. I definitely don't bathe in a golden bathtub. It's a myth🙄

I am not someone who's born with a silver spoon. I was once a night courier. Have you seen the Korean Drama, 'Healer'? Something like that. But not that advanced and no hacker as an acquittance. I worked alone. Passing the secret parcels, helping the people to reach their destination(in a not so innocent way), and no... I cannot jump from the 30th floor... and one more change from that character is killing people if required. That happened only once when I found out that the supposed client to whom I should cross borders with was a drug peddler and after spoiling the lives of four youngsters, he plotted a plan to fly out of the country. And I was the best in the field and he also knew my conditions. So, he deliberately lied to me that he's running away because of loan sharks.

Thanks to my buddy, Tew who's a policeman, passed this info, and the next day, cops found his dead body exactly two inches before the Thailand-Myanmar border.

Everyone knew it was me... but they had no evidence and catching me was a dream come true for every cop out there. But unfortunately, no one's dream got fulfilled. After that, I didn't get a chance to kill anyone because of the fear I embedded in them. The way the drug peddler's body was slashed into pieces, no one will want a death like that.

About parents, I have none. Not that I was abandoned or they left me... we just don't know about each other's existence. At the age of five, I was kidnapped thinking that I am from a rich family. But when they realized that their plan backfired, they kidnapped another kid, Wad who's actually from a big-shot family.

Luckily, they were traced and killed in front of our eyes and we were released after three months of being held hostage on an isolated Island. Wad's parents are nice and they tried to track my parents who already left the country thinking that I died. From then on, I stayed with them because other than me, Wad doesn't talk much with anyone else. His trauma made him a completely closed person, even to his parents.

After our high school, Wad was sent abroad and I also couldn't stay there for some reason. Wad's parents offered me a better education but I declined. I felt like I was using them and left with a belief that I can do something better with my skills. Thanks to Wad, I got trained in Judo and Jujitsu under the professionals. That's how I became a night courier, Lion.

I met my adopted father, Suchirit Suthiluck in this process. He assigned me to immigrate a defeated/deceased Mafia don's daughter to Mexico, secretly. And he offered a hell of a lot of money. Do you think it's simple? Even I thought so. Until I met her. She's incredibly gorgeous and all other dons are behind her to get a piece of her.

After I was successfully done with my work, I came back to him to get my money when I saw him in the puddle of blood. I treated him with the knowledge I have and he asked me to take him to a charity home. I took care of him for five days and that's when our bonding started.

He asked me to join his group and I agreed after good thinking and Wad was also one of my reasons because he said that he has a good feeling about this offer. After about four years, he got his second heart attack and I started to see the visible differences in my life. At the age of twenty, he adopted me and also included me in his will which made me from Night Courier Lion to Mafia King, Kongpob Suthiluck.

He taught me his principles and I personally liked and tweaked a bit which he was obviously pleased with. I was already good with my fighting skills but he also trained me for certain situations.

Love life? I haven't come across a single person who isn't scared of me. So... it's zero.

A/N: Excited for their first meeting?

Hope you're liking this story and looking forward to your beautiful comments😊

And... those who haven't got the notification, I published one short story, 'Hide me, P'Arthit'. Please give that a try as well

 Please give that a try as well

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