First Date🔞

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"So?" After done with the chasing game, everyone gathered in the living room to know the status of their baby boy's relationship status.


"You should see them, there're like sucking each other's soul just by kissing" Bright interrupted Arthit and teased him.


"Ok... enough for today. I am exhausted" Knott stopped Arthit who's ready to raid on Bright again and the other is ready in defense mode to run.

"I'm happy for you" Tutah spoke this time and side hugged Arthit. Everyone congratulated Arthit who's indeed happy. But they all have one fear... what if history repeats?

But pushing all aside, they prayed that this time... things go towards the best.

"I also have something to say" Arthit squeezed his hand and encouraged him to speak. Prem told everything about why he was sad.

Wad and Prem met a few months back as a client escort. This relationship continued for a month purely on a business basis. But one day when Prem and Wad were having lunch, the manager of the hotel, who's apparently Prem's former client(just for one night) encountered them and started insulting him for daring to sit in such a posh and reputed hotel. He didn't stop there and started degrading Prem with abusive language.

Wad took a stand for him and also made that manager fire for treating their VVIP customers and their 'friends' like that. That's when Prem started to look at Wad in a different light. At first, he thought that Wad is an arrogant and so-called spoilt rich kid but he slowly started to understand Wad as just a person.

One night, when Wad was drunk, he spilled about his past life that no one knows. The reason why he became silent and talked only with selective people. He found his driver planned the kidnap along with his step-mother to get rid of him and he trusted both of them with his life at that time.

They're also the reason why his father couldn't trace him easily, they tried to side-track every time police/his father gets some clue. Even after his comeback, the driver and his step-mother continued their dirty affair in his mother's car(Which he was using at that time) to prevent from getting caught. He saw all these at such a child age that he feels that no one will believe him if he says all these things. And how was he supposed to say what he saw? He himself had no idea what they were doing. But he knew one thing and that... it's dirty.

In a rage, he shot both his stepmother and driver, next time they were doing the deed. Being a big shot, it's piece of cake to wash their hands without getting the law involved in this. 

After that night, Prem found out about his own feelings for his 'client', Wad who's unaware of all these things and Prem also didn't want to confess in the fear of spoiling their 'relationship'.

After that night, Prem found out about his own feelings for his 'client', Wad who's unaware of all these things and Prem also didn't want to confess in the fear of spoiling their 'relationship'

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