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"Mattsuuuuun~" I was able to avoid him during lunch time, so Oikawa approaches me as soon as the final bell rings. He barely even gives me the time to get up. I know what he wants.

I look at him sceptically. The grin he shows seems so innocent, but I know better. "What?"

"You know a lot about soy, don't you? Could you help me out today?" With puppy eyes, he tries to get me alone with him.

Well, I guess that's fine. If we have this conversation now, I might still be able to deny things. "Sure."

"Actually, I need to get some stuff too," Makki joins in. "But I can't go today. How about tomorrow?"

"Nah, I can't," the other answers quickly.

"I'll go with you," I offer. For now, I need to be alone with Oikawa. Any other time, I would rather be with my best friend. "What do you need?"

He smiles. Nice. "Just some clothes. I've outgrown my winter clothes of last year..."

"Again?" I chuckle. "I'm surprised you haven't outgrown me yet."

Just like our brown-haired friend, he grins, making my heart skip a beat. "Soon, soon!"

"How tall are you even, Mattsun?" Oikawa huffs.

"188." I throw my stuff in my bag, not really caring about the mess it creates. I'll fix that later. Maybe.

"Aww, I'll never catch up to you, then... I'm 184," he pouts.

"Eh?~" Makki's eyes twinkle. "I'm 185~."

The drama queen gasps. "No way! You're taller than me?!" he cries out. "Well, at least I'm still 4 centimeters above our tiny Iwa-chan~"

Naturally, Iwaizumi reacts to this. "What's that, Shittykawa?"

"Wah! Short and scary!" Before his attacker can reach him, Oikawa jumps behind me, taking hold of my arm. "Mattsun, let's go!"

I can barely say goodbye to my other two friends as I get dragged off. He's walking at a faster pace than we usually do, maneuvering through the crowded hallways, trying to get us out of here.

"You seem to be in a hurry," I tell him, trying to sound confused yet calm. "Do you need soy that bad? Why do you even want it?"

"Oh, I heard it's good for your health and your skin! So I thought I'd try it out," he explains while pulling me out of the school building.

That's true. What a perfect excuse to get me to go along with him. After all, I know quite a bit about soy. Both my mom and my little brother have been on a diet for the past few years. The two of them have some health problems that can be eased by consuming certain things. I don't know the exact details, but it has caused me to learn a lot of recipes including a great variety of ingredients. I don't live with them anymore, but I still remember most of it.

"Is that all you want from me?" I side-glance at him. Obviously, I already know the answer, but I want to get it over with.

The usually quite shameless boy takes a look around him, taking in the situation. As always, the road from school to the city is quite lively. It's not exactly the kind of environment you'd want to discuss things in.

"Why?" His eyes sparkle a little. I know that look. He has found some sort of opening or opportunity. I shouldn't have asked.

"The two of us never hang out alone. You know Makki is unavailable on Thursdays, and I can't imagine why you wouldn't ask Iwaizumi to join us..." I grin, "...unless you want to tell me something about him."

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