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The lunch break was scarily peaceful. Oikawa was kept in place by Iwaizumi, who was enjoying the mess they were in to the fullest. I don't know what exactly they talked about, but it had an impact on the brunet. That boy is usually so cheerful, lively, and shameless, but now he was blushing the entire time, and mostly stayed quiet. He did look at us sometimes, with an expression that told us he had something really important to say. I ignored it. Nothing good can come from his mouth.

Hanamaki didn't want to discuss things, either. As soon as I turned to him, he repeated what he said earlier. "Later." It was kind of a relief, but it also made me feel sorry for my future self. I couldn't do anything, though, as Hana started chatting about a game that came out recently.

Nothing special happened during those fifteen free minutes. I relaxed a little bit, for the first time in forever. I dare say I was happy, even. It helped that my back was hurting less, but it was mostly due to everything seeming normal for a while.

Sadly, that moment of peace is now coming to an end, as the final bell rings. "Mattsun, you're coming with me today," Oikawa growls while approaching me. Iwaizumi's sleeping on his table, which is unusual, and also annoys me a little. Now he can't help me out.

However, Hana protests. "No, he's not. He's coming with me." Hm. That's better, but it's still...

I just want to go home and sleep. I haven't had a good night's rest in ages. And with the way things are going, I'll be wide awake for a few more days. The terror of being exposed and rejected will keep my eyes open.

"No! He has way too much to explain to me!" Oikawa continues to whine. "How can you judge me for..."—he lowers his voice—"for calling Iwa my boyfriend, when you did the same with Makki!"

"That was a misunderstanding," I sigh. "I'm not like you, pulling other people into my problems. I asked her to leave the two of us alone, since we were about to be your fangirls' substitutes, and we weren't feeling like it. Her mind made something else of it, is all."

"Riiight. Then why did you give me that panicked look as soon as she yelled?"

"Because I know you were about to get the wrong idea, too." Obviously.  "I was sure you'd try some stupid shit. Joke about it, take it too far, like you always do."

That's where Hanamaki joins in. "Hey, Oikawa, haven't you been teasing us a lot since you found out who Matsu likes? As if you're trying to push something?"

Do. Not. Answer. I glare at the brunet, hoping to convey a death message, but it's already too late. He's grinning. "Oh, was it that obvious?~"

"Well, yeah. Unlike you, I have more than one braincell," Hana huffs. "I think. I don't know. I can't really..."

A shadow falls over me. When I put my head back to find out what it is, I find Hana hovering over me, staring at me with a slight frown. He's close. He's way too close. I manage to keep a straight face, but my heart is going wild.

"See? No reaction at all!" he pouts. Why does he even want one? Is he trying to prove a point? Can I make him change his mind by acting like nothing's wrong? No, we're already past that, right...?

"I can help you there~" Oikawa smiles 'innocently' as he leans a bit closer to me to whisper.

"Fuck off." I try to push him away, but he doesn't budge.

He chuckles before speaking. "You know, I've only seen Makki this energetic once the day after a storm, and that's when he held you all night."

Just as he planned, my defenses crumble at this. All of my muscles tense up. "Huh?" is all I manage to bring out as I feel my face grow hotter. What is he talking about? Does he know something I don't?

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