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When the final bell announces the start of our weekend, I get up immediately. I've been waiting to get out of here. Time has been passing by way too slowly, and I need to run before Oikawa does anything stupid.

Both yesterday and today have been weird and uncomfortable. Now that someone is aware of my secret, I'm feeling constant pressure. Especially since he keeps pushing it and doesn't seem afraid of the consequences. I don't know whether the fact that he's an idiot relieves me, or makes me more anxious...

"Do you still want to go somewhere?" I ask the bewildered-looking boy sitting behind me. He has also been acting different. It doesn't help.

"Hmm? What do you... Ah, we were going to get some new clothes, right? I'm good to go." The blank-faced boy is either unaware of how out of it he is, or he doesn't care.

I want to check on him, but as always, our very loud friend bothers us before I can. "Mind if I tag along?~"

"Yes," I answer a bit too honestly. "I would."

Hanamaki starts laughing and Oikawa actually looks a bit taken aback. "Wha-- Mattsun, you're so mean to me all of a sudden!"

Right. Very sudden. There is no way he could have anticipated this. No events that could have lead to this. It makes me laugh as well, although it's shorter and sounds a lot more rude than my best friend's chuckles.

"Please?" the brunet tries again. "I don't wanna go home by myself today."

"I'll come with you." Iwaizumi pops up behind him. "We need to talk, anyways."

"No, no, it's fine! Nevermind! You don't have to!" the other panics.

Ah, I see. He was trying to use us as an excuse to run from his crush. Too bad. I don't care. "Have fun, you two."

"Nooo! Mattsun, you have to help me!" Oikawa cries as Iwa takes hold of one of his arms. "You have to!"

It almost sounds like a threat. "Why? Didn't you wanna tell everybody who you like? Go ahead, do it," I sigh. As long as he doesn't say anything about me.

"That's the thing, I can't keep quiet!" He tries to resist, but the guy dragging him off is stronger, so he is forced towards the door. "This is for your own sake as well, and you know it!"

I glare at him. He sucks at keeping his mouth shut. Why would you yell such suspicious things while everybody else is around? I'm sure both Iwa and Hanamaki have several questions now, and I don't want them to get any answers.

"Why don't you think about your own sake, first?" Hopefully, he picks up on the intentions behind it. I'll end him if he lets out a single word.

The other lets out a final whine before disappearing around the corner. That's one problem solved, although he has given me a thousand other things to deal with.

"Do you still have a headache?" Instead of letting me ask after his health first, Hanamaki questions me. "You're frowning a lot today."

"Yeah. That guy is a pain, after all," I sigh, referring to Oikawa. "It's fine, though. Not like we'll be doing much."

He hums. "I still have some aspirin if you need it."

This time, I do grab my bag after packing it. "Nah, not really. Thanks, though."

I decide to wait until we're outside to ask whether he is okay. I fail once again, as he speaks up first. "Hey, is something wrong?"

Yes. "Not really. I'm fine, but... I was about to ask you the same, actually. What's up?"

The way the sunlight reflects in his ashen eyes make it seem like I'm gazing at the moon and a thousand stars. They're glittering, sparkling, and they almost make me forget that I should listen to the answer. And even though they're so bright and clear, I can't see through them and discover the thoughts flying behind them. I wish I could.

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