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I slump over my table, exhausted. I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep last night, but not getting any rest for the second night in a row is rough. Even now, adrenaline is coursing through my veins, forcing my eyes to stay open.

My entire being feels heavy. I might fall asleep during class today, which sucks. The lessons are vital to me; I won't understand any of the subjects without them. My grades will drop if I'm not careful...

A semi-heavy weight places itself on my back. It's warm. There's no mistaking the source of this. I could never forget the way his body feels against mine.

"You're still sleepy?" Hana asks while yawning himself. He lazily wraps his arms around my chest, making my heart pound even harder.

This new habit of his might be the most pleasant problem I've ever had. Since I told him the truth yesterday, he's been extremely clingy. It's not like he wasn't comfortable with being in my personal space before, but this is on an entirely different scale.

In fact, he's a little too comfortable with all of this. If he simply didn't mind, I would not think too much of it, but... He's actually pushing things, trying to find my boundaries instead of setting his own. Shouldn't he be a little wary at least? I mean, it's true that I won't force myself onto him, nor will I do anything he dislikes. But how can he be sure of that?

"How can I be sleepy when I've been awake for the last seventy-two hours?" I huff. "I'm tired."

"What do you mean? Isn't that, like, three whole days? That's not healthy," he responds unhappily, like he isn't the cause of it.

"Mhm. You're right." I simply agree with him instead of telling him the truth.

Sadly, me holding it back doesn't stop him from finding out anyways. "...Were you unable to sleep because I was hugging you?"

Ngh. I feel my face redden a little as he exposes me. I don't know how to respond. Luckily, since I'm hung over my table and he is leaning on my back, he isn't able to see.

Usually, if you find out your best friend likes you, you'd take some distance. Right? If you don't like them back, you'll just feel self-conscious all the time, and you'll avoid touching them. Isn't that what would normally happen?

So how did he rest in my arms again? And why? I was planning to take the couch as I always do, but he started whining about it. To stop me, he used the knowledge he had gained, saying "You wouldn't mind sharing your bed with me, would you? Actually, I bet you'd love to." And he was right. I couldn't even take a nap, but I loved every second that I spent embracing him.

"I don't think I've ever slept as good as I did last night. Your arms are a really comfortable place to be in," my crush continues casually. My heartbeat speeds up again. I think he can feel it, because he giggles.

"Stop," I sigh, referring to his teasing rather than his chuckles. I want to hear those all day.

"What? I'm not doing anything! You're just weak to me~" He pretends to be innocent, but tightens his grip on me. Yeah, right. Not doing anything? You're abusing the fact that I like you, and you're not even hiding it.

A familiar, annoying voice pops up. "Makki? What are you doing?"

I turn my head to the side, glaring at our friend. I don't want him to find out what happened. He's going to join forces with Hana for sure, and then they'll torture me together.

"Nothing?" Luckily, Hanamaki's answer isn't suspicious at all. "I'm just vibing."

The other gives me a confused look. "You sure? Mattsun looks like he's dying. His face is all red."

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