[57] Green Day

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This is just somthing Ricky 'horror' Olson posted on tumblr last year in a post called ' I see you' and I dont know I feel like in a way its like whats going on in Kellin's mind (in my story) [well before I skipped ahead bc in this chapter he's well.. You'll see]

"Now that I have the answers I was looking for all along, I can't help but to see myself in a different light. A place where everything is black and white and there are no shades of gray in between. It's set in stone, and it's now impossible to go back and un-see the truth. This is who I have been all along, buried beneath the facade of who I thought I was. I want to believe my lies. All of them. I want to think that this doesn't change anything, but the truth is: it does. It changes the entire way I see myself- I am a disease; a slow eating cancer. This is the truth. And this will never change. This is who I have kept hidden from myself all of these years- so subconsciously at work that I couldn't see it for myself.

Maybe monsters are real, but I don't have to think about them like everyone else does because, deep down underneath it all, they're just like me."

Except in my story Kellin's mind is getting better and Vic is showing a positive not a negative.

*Vic pov*
I stumble as I put my shoes on, luckily Kellin is there to hold me up.

"Wait a minute, you still have to sit through the opening act" Kellin jokes.
It's been about two weeks since Kellin's mental brake down, his friends haven't been talking to him and currently that seems to be the only thing holding him back.

Besides that I feel like this is the happiest Kellin has been and I'm truly happy to see him like this. I stopped telling Kellin those ten things to look forward to or just those ten things I would tell him, because Kellin is better and doesn't need ten things to keep him going anymore.

After school today I went to Kellin's place and now we are on our way to see Green Day live.

It's also my birthday,which had Kellin trying to make me a cake and throwing flower onto my face, I think it was just an excuse for me to change my shirt.

"You know if you were to tell me I'd see GreenDay live a few years ago I would laugh in your face" I say and Kellin kisses my cheek before opening the door.

"But if I knew you two years ago I would've tried to make this moment happen sooner" he says closing the door behind me.

"Oh would you, really?" I question as I get into the passenger seat and he gets into the drivers seat.

"If we were friends" Kellin admits as he starts the car, "I wish we were, I would've smiled a real smile sooner" he adds in a soft whisper.
My parents called me a few days ago and they seem to be doing well and my family has made our way to middle class. my mom and dad are apparently home more now but I basically live in Kellin's room.. In that way and others, if you know what I mean.

Mike came over a few times to play video games, Kellin says he still doesn't mind. But I do. All I want to do is push Kellin against the wall and kiss him but then I had to hear Mike yelling at the tv a floor under us making me lose all temptation. Kellin looked at me showing sympathy when really I should've looked at him

But that was yesterday right now I'm next to the person I love, one of his hands in mine, his fingers interwind with mine, his other hand on the steering wheel driving off to the moment I've only dreamed of.

He parks the car and he turns to look at me and looks me dead in the eyes, he looks serious.
"Did you bring the tickets?"
I think about it and then start freaking out I put my hands in my pockets, my jacket pockets, my jeans, I take my shoes off. Kellin starts laughing.

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