[38] Exam week

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*still Kellin Pov*

after two hours of studdying and fall out boy playing in the background, I drove Vic home.

I open the door to my house and a random light turns on
"how long have you and Vic been dating?" I hear my dad ask, I was expecting this from my mom not him.
"a few weeks or somthing, but why do you care" I mummble
"I like him Kellin, hes a keeper" my dad says and I look over on the couch to see him stairing a head at the tv

"you what?" I question walking closer to him so I'm in his view
"he stands up for you, you picked well"
"I thought you didnt like that I was gay?" I question and he laughs making me raise my eyebrows

"I didnt like that you were weak"
"okay its like midnight and I'm going to go to sleep, unless this is already some kind of twisted dream" I state and I start walking away

"you should ask him to come to our christmas gathering in two weeks" my dad says causing me to stop walking away. "really?" I ask
"really, now go to sleep you have school in the morning" he says the last part sternly


I walk into class the next morning and I sit in my seat next to Vic, I turn to look at him and he smiles at me. "you wont believe what my dad told me" I say smiling back
"what did he tell you?" Vic asks confused

"he likes you and he wants me to invite you to Christmas with us" I say and he tenses up
"you sure I can? My first impression was anger" Vic says his smile fading
"thats what made my dad like you, you'll be fine, think about it we have time" I say and he gives me a slight smile.

"I'll ask my parents, I'm sure they will say yes because they love you" Vic says and I lean over the bar on my desk and he gets up and moves closer to me making it easier to kiss him. I cup his face in my hands keeping his face an inch away from mine.
"Kells" he says softly, his warm mint smelling breath hitting my lips
"yeah?" I whisper trying not to feel the pain of the metal bar against my body.
"Im standing in an awkward leaning position and I think I should sit down" Vic says with a small laugh. I kiss his lips softly before letting go of his face and letting him sit back down at his desk.

"after break some of you will be getting a new teacher, but if you happened to fail or are just lucky enough to have me again, you will be back in this class" Miss.Blue says and she looks at me
"Lucky enough, next semester no one will know me as the color green" she jokes and I give her a slight smile, in the end she really wasnt that bad. "We have exams all next week that help finalize your grade's fate" she continues.


The bell rings after what feels like hours of exam review.
"dude, I'm not ready for this" I say turning to Vic as he grabs his stuff off his desk
"woh I'm one of you dude's now, you've never called me that, I feel like one of the guys" Vic says

"one of the guys? You arent one of us" Jack says defensively
"shut up mate, hes dating one of us and now hes here" Oliver says grabbing Jack's arm
"love you Vic!" Jack calls out and I just wave him off
"yes you are one of us" I say as we start walking out
"mom I've made it!" Vic says with a huge smile on his face "I'm sure you'll do fine, we did a lot of studying yesterday, I can help you all this week" he adds

"You might have to, I only have a C in this class" I say and he puts his hand in mine.
"What are you doing? You have class to go to on the other side of the hallway" I say confused making him hold my hand tighter.
"I'm walking you to class" he states as if it's an obvious thing. I could bother him and continue telling him to go to his class, but I won't, I like his hand in mine and I will keep it there as long as I can.

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