[18] Coldblooded

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lucky you guys, two updates in one day! :D


if you havent already seen it, I just put up a trailer for this story!!!

Video will be posted at the side of this or at the top if you are on your phone!

This trailer is also now on the first chapter(so well if you started this story when it is completed well youve already most likely have seen it!)

--------------*Kellin Pov* -----------

I walk into the school like I never left, my head held high, everyone scared to look me in the eyes, accept for the girls who cant seem to realize I'm gay, and they dont seem fazed by me dating Vic, maybe they can tell its fake, but thats okay I'm not faking for them, I'm faking for Justin and as long as he thinks its real everything is going to be okay. I walk in and sit down in my seat next to...Vic? I look around and hes not there. Eh whatever, I thought I was late but maybe I'm not. I look around the room and my eyes meet Jack's, I stick up my middle finger at him and then I look away.

"Did you just see that?! Oliver!" I hear Jack whine and I smile to myself a little. "Hes laughing at me" Jack adds and I look back at him

"You know You're nothing without me shut up" I say harshly

"you're cold must be gone but I think it also made you coldblooded" Oliver says his eyes showing anger "oh wait Kellin I think you've always had no heart, wheres your little boy toy?" he adds and I shurg

"Not sure" I say truthfuly and then I look away as the teacher starts the lesson.

"Have you at least texted Vic? Yesterday he tuned out the world just to text you and youre just sitting there" Jack says and I turn my head to him

"You shut up and dont tell me how to live my life! I'm different than Vic!.... He cares too much! its a good thing, yes! But not somthing I do! I'm Kellin fucking Quinn" I say loudly and the whole class goes quiet

"Continue" I say looking at miss.Blue and she does what I ask

---- *Vic Pov* --

I rush out of my house pulling Mike by his shirt.

"I know I over slept but you could've at least gone to school on time" I say letting go of his shirt once I know theres no way he would turn back and walk home.

"I lost track of time!" Mike says putting his arms up in defence

"When I found you, you were in the kitchen eatting chips" I say rolling my eyes

"food is distracting" Mike states.

Okay so this morning I woke up and looked at the time realizing class just started, so I quickly changed and rushed to the bathroom and rushed everything, I rushed so much that my shirt could be inside out. -I look down at my shirt, luckily its on right,no imbaressment today- anyways so I'm running down the hall and I pass the kitchen, expecting Mike to already be at school but no, his bright red shirt caught my attention making me walk back and see him leaned against the counter eating chips right out of the bag. Not giving a single fuck in the world and not even bothering to go to school any time soon. His backpack was by the door ready to go but he was eating those chips at a slow pace. I groaned and told him that we were leaving and I practically dragged him out of the house.

I look over at Mike who's now walking besides me. With the bag of chips in his hand.

"Mike can you stop eating those!"

"Dont tell me what to do" he says as he stuffs his mouth with a lot of chips

"You are eating so much of those, you wont have any left for lunch"

"oh I have more in my lunch"

"Mike!" I groan

"im like a girl on her period, I need food"

"you are a girl on her period" I mumble we rush our way into the school and I walk into the office.

"I'm sorry! I over slept and missed my alarm and our parents are out and its all Mike's fault" I say really fast and the lady smiles at me. "its okay dont worry" she says nicely and she writes Mike and I passes, I say my thank you and I grab the passes, giving Mike his as I get out of the office.

"Go to class" I say and he sighs "fine,whatever" He says stuffing the chip bag into his backpack, and we split our ways down the halls, if I wasnt with Kellin this would be the moment where I would want to hide in the bathrooms until the next class, but something about Kellin just makes my day alot better and I really just want to see him right now so I know the rest of the day will be okay. I make my way down the hall and into the room, I give miss.blue the letter and she gives me a slight smile, its not a happy smile it seems more, sympathetic? Maybe she knows how I dont like going into classes late. I take my seat next to Kellin and he just smiles at me, He moves closer and puts his arms around my neck and he pulls me closer, putting his lips on mine and our lips start moving in sync together.

"I missed that" I whisper after the kiss and he just gives me a peck on the lips before looking back at the front of the classroom and sitting back completely in his seat

When the class finished,Kellin gave me a hug and said he'd see me at lunch, then I went through the rest of my lame classes and now I'm at lunch,just waiting for Kellin. I sigh as Tony sits down with Mike. "happy to see you too" Mike says

"No no its not that, sorry" I say softly

*Jaime Pov*

I wait until Kellin makes his way to my table before rushing my way over to his old table. I sit next to Oli and I put my hood up so Mike,Tony,Vic and Kellin wont notice me if they happen to turn their head. "Okay so why did you need to talk to me?" I ask,not rudely but seriously because something serious must've happened something revolving Victor and Kellin, dare I say it, Kellic.

"well Justin is absent and well Jack here went out on Kellin during class" Oliver says in a whisper

"he started it!" Jack says defending himself "anyways so, Kellin was absent right? and I sat next to Vic, and before you start yelling at me about this whole I used to hurt Vic shit, let it go, its over with, now I just want Kellin back, and I dont think its right that he uses my punching bag, no I mean new friend, i swear I've changed. I just dont think its right, In all honestly Oli told me what Kellin is doing and that crosses the line! But yeah so Vic got worried for Kellin,it was so obvious yet today, Kellin didnt seem to give a shit that Vic was gone. He tried covering up but it wasnt good enough" He adds and I look over at Oliver who smiles at me.

"I think Kellin is getting to his breaking point, his weakness is when someone points out that Vic cares more" Oliver says

"which means if people start thinking that and thinking the relationship is a fail that will completely ruin Kellin and make him break to save everything he has" I say catching on to what Oliver must be thinking."soon that coldblooded bastard is going down" I add

"We hope so" Oliver says and we all turn around to look at Kellin, Hes smiling and acting all cuddly with Vic on the outside but we all know that in the inside he'd rather not touch Vic and he's close to the breaking point,he almost proved that his feelings are fake but he covered it up, He cant use his 'I'm Kellin Quinn' excuse for everything and he needs to know that and hopefully he will realize it.

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