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Third Person's pov

"Ooh nice weather...don't you think so?" Taehyung asked, standing in front of the exit of the airport spreading his arms out, feeling the fresh air.

"There are other people queuing behind us butt head move it!" Jin gritted out kicking Taehyung's butt. "There are other people queuing behind us butt head move it!" Taehyung mimicked him with exaggerated hand movements, "Just say directly that you want to feel my sexy ass."

Jin gave him a weird look, "Did the jetlag get to your head or something? You've been acting...strange ever since we boarded off the plane." a laughter followed his words as Mr. Jones's chubby hand came to rest at Jin's shoulder, who bent down in order to collect his luggage, successfully shrugging off the hand.

Taehyung didn't miss the way Mr. Jones eyed his ass. And he certainly didn't like it.

"I'd say he's getting jitters, am I right Taehyung?" The person in question nodded stiffly and went to help Jin with the luggage. "Well you young boys can roam around for a bit, I'm going to the hotel. I'll take our luggage as well." The old man yawned and then waddled away in search of a taxi. Taehyung exhaled and sat down on a bench by the footpath.

"Jin do something I'm bored!" Taehyung whined. Seokjin rolled his eyes, "So? You want me to do a pole dance for you? You know what- don't answer that." He said eyeing the excited look on the younger's face.

"Hey let's go somewhere!" Jin shrugged reaching out for his water bottle, gulping down the water, "Go wherever you want I'm going back to the hotel as well."

"Whaaat? Jin please what will a handsome guy like me do in Amsterdam all alone? What if a hot chick hits on me?"

"I bet you're hoping for just that to happen." Jin grumbled out.

"Well I wouldn't exactly deny that but I can't leave you alone now can I? Unless you're up for a threesome which seems like a very hot and a kinky idea to me."

"I can't believe you're literally thinking about having a threesome while your boyfriend's all the way back to Korea."

"Oh c'mon you know I was joking and besides I don't even know English...! Please Jin please don't leave me to wander on my own in this unknown city under the scorching heat of the sun!"

"Then come to the hotel with me you dumbshit! And there are apps existing for translation!!"

"But I don't want to explore alone!!" He slumped back on the bench with his head down, lips sporting a small pout. Jin sighed, forcing himself to not to coo at how adorable he looked right now.


In a flash of second, Jin found himself pressed against the warm chest of the younger, "Yes! Thank you!! I swear you're the best-est person out there is! Now let's hurry up and book a taxi."


Taehyung leaned his head against the window of the taxi, the beautiful city blurred as they rushed past. "Beautiful city isn't it?" Taehyung hummed, "Yeah" But not as beautiful as you though he wanted to say instead but didn't. He already went a little overboard calling Jin baby.

But it wasn't his fault you now? Anyone would call him baby if they saw the other now. His brown doe eyes, wide, and literally twinkling as he took in the city's view. His mouth softly parted in muted appreciation, his face occasionally scrunching when someone honked too loudly behind them.

He looked like a- child no...not exactly. The excitement in his eyes reminded him of a child in an amusement park, taking in all the rides out there yet his satisfactory smile reminded him of an old man who is contented and happy with his life, the way his soft silky purple hair ruffled against the wind coming through slightly lowered car's window just added to his cuteness. And all of this combined made him who he was, Kim Seokjin.

"It's beautiful." He breathed out. "Where do you want to visit first Taehyung?" Jin asked, successfully breaking Taehyung's train of thoughts.

"Umm I read about this museum called Van Gogh. Let's go there?"

"But isn't it too far from here? I was thinking about visiting a church called Oude Kerk, have heard a lot about it and also, it's near."

"But where's the fun in that? If we go to the museum, we'll get more time to visit Amsterdam! We don't even know if we'll even get time to enjoy Amsterdam once we get all the workload. Please hyung?" He said giving his best puppy eye to the elder.

"We are going to Oude Kerk."



Jin sighed and tiredly dragged himself up the stairs to the reception of the hotel they were going to spend their vacation in. Not exactly a vacation but you get it. Visiting a museum with a doofus and an overexcited guide is exhausting. He looked back and saw Taehyung energetically running up the stairs.

"Hey, there old man! Want a wheelchair? You seem like you'll die any time soon." Jin rolled his eyes and kept walking. Jin wanted to walk slower but now that Taehyung had caught up with him he wanted to reach his room as soon as possible.

"I thought you worked out." "Jin sighed, "I do."

"I'm not tired and I don't even work out as much as you do...who's more fit then?" "You literally sat and gossiped with an old guide all the while I was being dragged to every nook and canny of the museum with the guide chewing my ear off when it was you who wanted to visit the museum you jackass!!" Jin fumed and raced up the stairs. "Hey that's cheating wait for me!" Taehyung hurried up after Jin.

"Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung?" Jin nodded as the receptionist typed away something more in her computer. "Rooms: 261 and 110. Here are your keycards sirs. Hope you enjoy your stay in our hotel." Jin frowned at the odd room numbers but smiled back nonetheless.

"Water?" Taehyung asked as Jin approached him near the elevator. Jin nodded, "Thanks." and took two big gulps of it. He passed the keycards to Taehyung, "I'm gonna take the one in the first floor. Do you know which room did Mr. Jones get?" Taehyung frowned, "Yeah, he got room 262...that means we have to be neighbors!! Damn it!"

"Oh you both are back! How was your day?" "It went well Mr. Jones...but what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked voicing out Jin's question as they reached the room Jin chose. "I'm glad it went well. Oh I was just waiting for you both. I have kept Taehyug's luggage in this room and Jin's opposite to let's go Jin, it's getting late."

"Uh Mr. Jones sorry to say this but I've chosen this room and Taehyung chose the one next to you. You know I don't do well with heights..." "Really? Which floor do you live in back home?" Jin hesitated "Uh-"

"First floor. He lives in the first floor." Taehyung jumped in quickly looking at Jin as if warning him to play along, "Yeah...First floor that's correct." "Oh but don't worry Jin! The other rooms are just a level above. I'm sure it won't make a difference."

"I don't-" "He likes to stay down to earth Mr. Jones and he's stubborn as hell. I'll tell a worker to replace our shall we get going?" Taehyung said going towards the elevator.

And Mr. Jones glared at him.



Heyyyyyy y'all!

If I portrayed Amsterdam wrong or if I offended anyone I'm sorry, it was all google.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote share and comment if you did!

Vaccinate, sanitize and stay safe y'all!

Will see ya in the next update.



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