Sweet Dreams!

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*It's one of my favorite taejin fanart* 👆

Jin's pov

As soon as they left I closed the door behind me and plopped down on the soft, fluffy white sheets of the bed. I rubbed my face on the soft pillows and sighed- 'Is this what heaven feels like?'

I kicked off my shoes and socks and then crawled up to the head of the bed, creasing and messing up the smoothened sheets of the bed and took in the room. To right side of the bed, there was a small stand probably used to keep valuables like watches, mobiles and small accessories. To the other end of the room there was the bathroom.

I quickly leaped of the bed and went to see the bathroom. No matter how small or dirty the room is, the washroom should always be perfect!

"Hmm..." The bathroom was good and everything but a little over –decorated, like the bathroom sink literally had google assistant installed in it! Was opening the tap using hands too difficult? Why create solutions of problems which don't even exist?!

Never mind I sighed, I guess this is what 'rich people' expect from a 7-star hotel.

I got out from the bathroom, as someone ringed the doorbell of my room. "Guess my luggage is here..." I mumbled and hurried to open the door.

"Kim Seokjin?" I nodded at the worker. He passed the luggage to me and asked, "Sir would you like to have your dinner down in the hall or here in the room itself?" "Here only please." I answered feeling tired only by the thought of going down again. The worker bowed and left.

I looked at my luggage by the door. "Eh, I'll unpack later." I quickly changed and took a shower, received my dinner and then plopped down on the bed again.

I opened my phone only to have a next level heart attack. 37missed calls from Jimin!! Shit I'm doomed. I quickly called back.

"So you finally saw my missed calls huh?" Jimin breathed out. I gulped. Jimin was cute and everything but I'd like to maintain a proper distance when he's angry. And right now his voice was the perfect example of 'Calm before the storm.'

"Jimin no look we just landed-" "Just landed huh? Then tell me your highness how was Taehyung able to reach before you? Because he had called Jungkook and told him you all had landed almost 4hrs ago!!"

I removed the phone from my ear as the voice got pitchy with every word he took. 'Fuck you Kim Taehyung!' "Anyways how was the tour?" I sighed thanking the gods that his anger had finally toned down. "Oh you mean the museum?" The voice hummed.

"I wanted to go to the church you know, Oude Kerk..Hmm yes the one I told you about...and the worst part was that he wasn't even interested in the museum, he literally just sat there gossiping with some old guide while my ears bled listening to all the shit the guide was telling me!! Can you imagine?"

"Yeah it's horrible..." Jimin yawned. "Oh I'm sorry, I totally forgot that the time zones are different...what's the time in Korea right now?" "It's currently 6am but you know what?! Yoongi will be living with me till the time you come!"

"Wow! Congrats! Just stay away from my room okay?" I could literally feel him rolling his eyes, "Fuck you, bye."

I chuckled and hung up the call. Stretching I glanced at the digital table clock kept on a stand by the bed. 12 am. I yawned and switched off the lights. Snuggling into the soft sheets, I closed my eyes for a peaceful sleep.

Or so I thought.

It was around 2 in the morning when my sleep was disturbed by the continuous ringing of my room's bell. I drowsily stumbled from the bed and went to receive the door. "Who is it?" I shouted rubbing the sleep off my tired eyes.

"Seokjin can you please open the door?" I frowned at the familiar voice, "Mr. Jones?" I asked opening the door a little more aware of my surroundings now. The old man hurried inside the room and switched on the lights. I squinted my eyes, blinking rapidly at the sudden light that filled the room.

"Have you unpacked already?" "N-no Mr. Jones why?" I asked stifling a yawn. 'I'm really sleepy you old fart! Come straight to the point without beating around the bush!'

"Oh Thank God!! Seokjin, can you please shift to my room? There are so many squirrels in my room and I'm really afraid of them!!" "Why don't you change with Taehyung then?"

"He said he already unpacked his stuff and everything! Please Seokjin." He made a puppy face. Yuck.

"Oh okay Mr. Jones no problem. I'll shift to your room then." I gave a small smile and picked up my luggage, screaming internally. 'HE DISTURBED MY BEAUTY SLEEP BECAUSE OF THIS REASON?! HOPE THERE ARE SQUIRRELS IN THIS ROOM AS WELL! FUCKING PERVET!'

I collected my watch and wallet from the side table and walked out of the room. "Excuse me sir, I'll take that for you." I jumped slightly at the sudden voice from my right, but relaxed seeing that it was only worker. I muttered a small 'thank you' then headed towards the elevator.

I leaned back on the cold wall of the elevator and pressed the second floor. The elevator 'dinged' open at the second floor and we walked out. "Can you place my luggage in that room? I'll join in a gifffy." "The worker bowed and went over whereas I headed over to room 262, where stood the doofus by the doorway, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Guess we're meant to be neighbors huh?"

I gave him a tight smile, "Couldn't have shifted your crazy ass to that room?" He shrugged, "Not my fault if I'm not lazy like you and unpacked my stuff at the proper time." "He disturbed my peaceful sleep! Wait a second aren't you a heavy sleeper? How did you wake up then?"

"His scream woke up all the people staying in first and second floor."

Jin frowned, "I didn't wake up."

"I said people Jin, not assholes." I rolled my eyes. It seemed to be a habit of mine whenever I spend time with him. I looked around the hallway as a few people peeked out of their room, enquiring about the sudden loud shriek while the staff handled them. Wow the old man still got a lot in his lungs.

"Did you check out the bathroom?" Taehyung asked glancing at his watch. "Yeah I did the sink has a fucking google assistant installed."

"The toilet seat has one too." "What?! Why would they install it in the toilet?!" I gave him an exasperated look.

"How would I know?" then after a pause, "You haven't peed yet?"

I frowned, "Nope."

"I peed."

"Congratulations then." I yawned, "I'm going to my room. Good night."

"Sweet dreams!"



Guys, first of all thank you for all your votes and comments! It really warms my heart reading them 

And second of all, what's the favorite thing about yourself? (And please by all due respect  brag about it, I wanna feel jealous-)

Okay so mine are my fingers *waves hands in suga*. My fingers are like Taehyung's (?) Well obviously I don't have such huge hands, but had I been his height I would have had his hands :')

And also I have a good hand writing 

Anyways, vote, comment and share if you liked this chapter!

Sanitize, vaccinate and stay safe y'all!!



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