Weird But Perfect

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A shitty epilogue for y'all because I don't know how to write epilogues
Come to think of it...I don't know how to even write, it's just that you guys are too good for me :'(

**The final end of this story.**

6 months later

Third Person's Pov

"Do you think it's the right time?" Jin asked out loud as he gnawed on his lower lip anxious and nervous. "What if he regrets it? What if he finally realises that dating me was a mistake? What if he-"

"What if he feels the same and is also crazy about you the same way you're about him?" Jimin countered back as he fixed his hair for the last time in the mirror then turned to look at his roommate/best friend who was sitting on the couch looking no more than a lost puppy.

"Jimin...don't get my hopes up high! I need to prepare myself for the worst mentally and physically!" Jin whined hiding his face behind his hands. Jimin sighed and sat next to his troubled best friend.

"Look don't overthink so much! Taehyung loves you a LOT. I know what you're going through right now...I've been there myself and look at us now! Getting married today! So just man-up and ask him straight away after the ceremony."

Jin chuckled, "Yeah you're right I've always made things worse by overthinking...but isn't it your wedding? Shouldn't you be a little...I don't know...worried? I even collected some motivational quotes from Google to help you out."

Jimin burst out laughing, his eyes disappearing  into small crescents as he shook his head, "I think you need those quotes more than me. The fact I'm the one Yoongi's marrying already makes me feel on top of the world...and besides it's Yoongi, I could be dressed in a trash bag for all I care and he'd still say that I look good." Jimin smiled and traced his fingers over the engravements of his engagement ring, eyes pooling with fondness and affection.

"Ugh you guys are the most ooey-gooey couple I've ever known." Jin said, feigning disgust.

Jimin scoffed, "You're one to talk! You and your man's love story seems like something Shakespeare would write when he's drunk and sexually frustrated."

Jin gasped offended and pushed Jimin lightly, before breaking down into laughter. "That was mean! Even though I kinda agree with you."

"Guys the ceremony is going to start, are you guys done?" The duo stopped their harmless bickering as Hoseok interrupted them, striding in the room followed by a sheepish Namjoon.

"Eh Jimin do you by chance have a spare watch? I broke mine by mistake." Jimin looked mildly amused as Namjoon showed him the remnants of the watch.

"My god Namjoon, how did you even manage to break it like that?"

Namjoon shrugged as Hoseok muttered, "He just put it on."

"Wait here I think Yoongi might have left his spare one here." Jimin got up with a sigh and went to check the cupboards.

"Afternoon Sir Joon." Jin got up and bowed lightly to his 'boss'.

"I admire your professionalism Jin, but you can me Namjoon or just Joon outside work." He smiled, showing his dimples off.

"You can call him Namjoon or just Joon even while working too, he wouldn't mind." Hoseok added, winking at Namjoon who just stared a him with a lovesick smile before shaking his head.

"Oh I'd love to Hob-ah but I'm afraid I don't carry the same privileges as you." Jin said, earning a round of chuckles and a 'thats true' from the couple.

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