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If those....things are turning living beings into weapons, that would explain the strange build of those experiments. They don't need them to survive for very long, just need to throw them out onto the field and let them put up a short fight before death. However, in the case of a few of their creations, the creature is meant to die but take dozens down with it. And yet......they created a being like me, a being with intelligence, a being capable of its own thoughts and making its own decisions.....unless......that "control chip" was implanted into me as well....but what creature originally held the chip? What type of--   A loud ringing disrupted the girls thoughts, and she heard the sound of clawed feet on metal heading her  way. She quickly looked around for a hiding place and ended up ducking behind a few tanks that seemed fit to burst from the large creatures they held. As she looked out the open door, she could see dozens of shadows block out the light for a few seconds, and then just like that they were gone. The footsteps were heading east and nowhere near her. She peeked her head out of the room when the footsteps had vanished and saw no sign of life. As she stepped out, she felt something wet on her foot. Looking down, she saw some blood she hadn't noticed before. As she looked to the left, she saw a sight that left her feeling sick. Blood was sprayed all over the walls, and a few shreds of flesh lay scattered on the ground. Looking a bit closer, she could make out several larger, darker shapes in the blood splatters. With a gag she turned away and looked in the direction she had heard the things running to. She REALLY didn't want to walk through that blood, so she slowly walked back that way, retracing her steps. After walking for a little bit, she found that one of the door that had been closed before was open. She cautiously looked in but spotted no forms of life, so she walked in. It appeared to be a study room, and she found full books that contained more information on this "700" figure. Seems it is important.... She flipped through the pages of one of the books she had picked up and, as she reached the middle, felt something in her head click. The strange language suddenly made so much sense.... "This project turned out to be more difficult than expected, but 700 has managed to hold on to life. At this rate he may survive, and we certainly have gotten a much better reaction from him than any of the others. So many have died in these experiments, but it appears we finally have found a subject strong enough to withstand them. Perhaps after we finish up with him, we shall start to work on 699. While not as strong, 699 may possess greater mental strength. Should she succeed, the two could make a strong combo. As for 632, her condition is highly unstable. Saving her would cripple the human to the point of mindlessness. We are unsure of what to do for her condition. Humans might be too delicate to experiment on for very long, which would make this entire conquest useless. NOTE: Add chip to 519 first as a test." 519,700, 699 and 632? Are they number coding their weapons? She put the book down. And.....why does the number 700 remind me of something? I can't quite remember what it is feels familiar. She sighed. Whatever this 700 is, it sounds like it is a dangerous weapon. An ultimate one? A backup plan? She picked up another book and began to read it. "A massacre occured today, but the planet is ours. Out of it's billions of inhabitants, we only harvested seven hundred." There is that number again... "A pathetic amount, but enough to make a few weapons and raise some food." Hm. Livestock purposes? "The race is known as 'human'. Each one appears to have no special features and looks to be very pathetic. They lack natural weapons but appear to be slightly intelligent. They also appear capable of speech, but nothing close to us at all. They seem to fear us, and seem to hold each other whenever any of us comes near. They also have a bit of fight in them, but it is so minsicule to us we need not worry." The rest was about anatomy and how humans appeared capable of "emotion". She blinked, confused. Are these creatures not capable of emotions at all? Do they exist just to murder and conquer other beings? The sound of scraping interrupted her. She turned her head and saw one of the creatures standing in the doorway. Its yellow eyes were focused on her and it was raising its claws. Before she knew what had happened her eyes turned, and the sound of slashing was heard as the creature dropped dead. She stood over its dead body, staring down at it coldly. Appears they are back.....more shall be coming, then.....Where to run, where to hide...

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