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She stepped out into a hallway that went two different ways. It appeared to be made entirely out of metal. The walls, the ceiling, even the floor. The floor was just slightly softer, covered in some strange clear substance. Implanted in the walls were small glowing stones that let off a soft blue light. She paid little attention to these and looked around. Both the left and right hallway went on for a long time before turning into another LONGER hallway, and then bending out of sight. Both walls were lined with doors. After a quick debate she decided to take the right path. Upon reaching the first door, she found another room full of tanks. Even more creatures were contained in these, but were horribly misformed. She looked away from it and continued to walk. Arriving at the next door, she found it to be locked but had a small window. Through the window she could see a group of creatures not like herself at all. They were gathered around a table, shivering and making strange noises. She felt curious but decided it best not to disturb them. She walked to the next door, which was locked and had no windows. The other two doors shared the same features. She sighed and knocked on one and was rather surprised when something knocked back. When she knocked again it began to bang on the door. A few more noises were heard, then silence. She stood, listening, for a second longer. Nothing. She shook her head and continued to walk, coming to and intersection. The left went straight and then branched off again, the right doing the same. She thought about it for a second and took the left path. A few more doors lined the walls, most of them without windows. And after hearing the sounds coming from inside, she didn't want to open any of them. After a few more paths she found a large door with a yellow sign on it. The windows were blocked out completely. She tapped on one of them curiously. The sound of something being dragged across the floor came from inside, and she felt just a bit....colder. She backed away slowly as the noise stopped, and then a brief scratching came from inside...

Prey. That was the one thing on its mind. It wanted food, it wanted it now. Something had been stupid enough to wake it from its nap, and of course it woke up hungry. Foolish creatures...nothing entered this chamber and left alive. Even outside....whatever had come knocking was still there... It smirked and began to pick the lock...again.

The scratching continued, getting more persistent by the second. She pressed down on the mark on her wrist, wincing as the blades shot out. A bit of blood dripped onto the floor, and the second one drop hit the floor the scratching turned into clawing. The door seemed ready to break as she turned and ran. Whatever that was continued to attack the door. She looked back and then ran into something hard. As she looked at the blockade-- she realized it wasn't an inanimate object. One of the creatures from before loomed over her, emitting a strange growling noise and glaring at her through yellow eyes. She backed away, forgetting about her weapons. It raised its claws to slice her into pieces. She glanced at her wrist and jammed a random marking, not knowing how it would help. A small shock of pain went up her arm, and a bright light suddenly enveloped the creature. It screeched and fell to the ground, burnt to a crisp. She froze and stared at it for a second, then back at her wrist. Wha.....What? At that moment she realized something: both of her hands had a small gem in the center of them. Oh...hmm....what do I know about.....Aha! Lasers! She smiled and looked gratefully at the bluish white gems that matched her pale skin. These creatures sure are stupid if they're supplying me with this... A sudden shot of pain went up her arm, and she almost fell over from the shock of it. Oh.....ow....backfire..... As she sat there, clutching her arm, she became unaware of the door behind her, which was on its last leg in the case of durability.

It slammed into the door again, ignoring the pain in its shoulder and and upper body. Something was out there.....something was wounded........something was weak, and bleeding, and just ASKING to be eaten..... These thoughts only crazed it even more, and with a final slam the door broke open. At this point it didn't are about its dislodged shoulder, or the pain that was rapidly traveling through its body. It spotted the girl almost instantly: a long haired girl wearing a black body suit who appeared to be albino. She was clutching her arm, blood dripping out of both of them. It seemed that she heard the door being broken open, and she turned and looked at it, fear in her eyes. This only stimulated the creature into attacking, and it let out a triumphant roar as it charged.

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