And Here We Are, Yet Again

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.......Not a very good one........Are you sure this is a proper weapon? It doesn't look formidable......In due time it will be better than seven hundred........Perhaps if a few more enhancements were made? YES! FINALLY! At long last, it is ready for activation!...............................Six ninety-nine, you are awake now....and you will obey.....

She would never know how long she had been sleeping. It had all happened so fast, and she was back in captivity immediately..... This time, she had been moved to a warm cell, and wires had been plugged into her neck. Directly after they had entered her, she lost all sense of what had occured around her, and her thoughts had become nothing. She could not feel, move or think. Time must have passed, she had been moved to a smaller cell with more heat and more wires. During that move, she could sense shadowy blurs around her and hear their confusing language. She understood what they were saying, by some miracle. They had left her in the smaller cell in a hunched over position, looking very much like their greatest project...

She had no idea what had happened. She had awoken in a small, warm place with no decoration to it whatsoever. As she looked around, she felt something shift in her neck, and as she reached back to feel she felt thin structures leading into it. She grabbed them and pulled them out with ease. At the time, she hadn't thought about how deep in they were, or why she had been able to pull them out so easily. What she had thought of was escape. The word sounded familiar to her, but she could not remember where she had heard it from. Her attempts at regaining memory failed, and she found all she could remember were a few numbers: 90724. Their meaning was unknown, and she dropped any hope of remembering what they were for. The room was dimly lit with red light that came from a blood like stone in the ceiling. The room seemed made to contain creatures stronger than her, and she could barely make out the outline of where the door was. It didn't appear to be ready to open any time soon, and there was no window on it. The room was large enough to get up and stand in, but small enough so that all she could do was walk in tiny circles. After a thorough investigation of the room, she gave up on finding any way out other than the sealed entrance and sat back down on her original seat.

It was not until a great deal of time had passed that she heard somethng outside the closed door. She was not even sure what it was or how it sounded, just that she could hear SOMETHING outside. She stood and walked to the door, then pressed her ear against it. The sound grew louder, sounding like a faint buzzing. She remained at the door until it left. After waiting for a bit, she sat back down on the metal bench connecting to the wall and began to think about her lost memories. The sound didn't return until much later on, and this time she did not bother getting up to check if it was really there or not. It left shortly after, and then she felt herself being overcome by the strangest feeling--drowsiness. Although at first she ignored it, it wasn't long before she fell asleep.

Upon awakening, she found she had been moved to a much larger room. This time, however, it lacked almost all light, the onlybit of blood red light coming from a stone above the door(?). And the heat here was no longer pleasantly warm. As she tried to move into a more comfortable position, she found her moving had been restricted completely, as her wrists were chained together above her head-- as a matter of fact, she was suspended in air by this. She found her feet were chained to the ground, whatever form it was, and she could not move her legs very much at all. The darkness was all around her, and she heard no breathing, but she could tell she was not alone. Something else was lurking in this room, and she could sense the prescence of other powerful creatures. She looked around, hoping that her eyes were good enough to see in this darkness, but saw nothing. She lowered her head and stared at the ground, finding it was made of the same material as her cell was. Clearly, this room was holding more than just her, and whatever else it was holding was dangerous. The silence of the room was beginning to get to her. The knowledge of being in danger and not being able to defend yourself was terrifying enough, but leaving her in this silence was torture upon her mind. She wanted to scream out and have SOMETHING answer her, but nothing would, and she knew it. Here she was, hanging from the ceiling and chained to the floor, in a strange quarantine filled with the unknown, without memory and proper defense.

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