The Bloodbath Begins

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The Blader. Designed for battle, The Blader is equipped with dozens of blades that can cut through diamond. The Blader has been programmed to fight with grace, slicing through all foes while maintaining balance and beauty. Perhaps one of the best experiments that came from Earth, not only is The Blader the easiest to control, it is also one of the deadliest and is programmed to observe how its opponent moves and fights. Avoid at all costs.

The only thing she could think of was how dangerous her opponent was. She didn't know how, but suddenly she knew so much about this humanoid creature in front of her. It looked just like a little girl with extremely short white hair and green eyes. It was staring at her, it's eyes glassy. There existed no soul behind those eyes. This creature was controlled by them and would fight to the death. She knew it best she did not panic, but she could feel it coming on. The Blader continued to stare at her, then spoke in a clear childlike voice. "Project six ninety nine has escaped with no command to do so. Extermination is not a likely option. Deactivation failed. Shred. Old. Project."

With those words it took on a pose as dozens of blades shot out of it. Blades emerged from its arms, legs, and back. It's lifeless gaze focused on her, it shot forward. Thinking fast she dodged to the side- only to find out that she failed. It immediately caught itself, digging its foot into the metal and leaving a small groove, and charged past her. She knew she didn't come away clean from just that dash, and she could feel a liquid pouring out of her side...

Almost immediately it was back, and she felt multiple slices on her left arm and leg. More liquid poured out, unnaturally cold....

It was back again, ruining her right side even more. She knew it wasn't even fighting. She could tell. It was taunting its prey, waiting for it to strike out and reveal a weak spot. Once its prey did as little as move, it would move in and strike the weakest area on its prey. Unfortunately, the way most of its victims were killed was by being sliced vertically from between the legs or bleeding to death from a deep slash to the abdomen. If she tried to attack, it would dodge and go for the achilles tendon. Once disabled, it might play with her a bit- torture, maybe draw lines with blood where it was going to cut. Maybe it would instantly kill her. She knew it would not let her go. Do or die. And yet, even with that grim thought, all she could do was stand there, unmoving, and hope it would leave an opening.

How long would it attack her? She could tell that her arms were decimated, their covering completely torn away, an orangish liquid pouring out, revealing metal bone and severed wires beneath. The metal was being cut too; if she didn't act soon she'd lose both her arms. The Blader was moving extremely fast now, dashing back and forth, back and forth, each dash cutting away more of her. At the speed it was going, it would be hard to even focus on. So what could she do...

It moves swiftly, with its guard raised. Those blades will slice anything that attacks it, as it uses the longer blades that emerge from its wrists as shields. Attacking directly will hurt the attacker more than the attacked. Do not charge it. Charging it will result in death. Deceit won't work either; attempting to perform a trick will take too long. Would a distraction work? Probably not. It would only briefly stare at it, and I've nothing to use. She remembered the strange crystals in her fingers. I wonder what they do? Perhaps something, perhaps nothing. I know nothing of what they were meant to do....but perhaps....a crystal can be sharp, but that is physical. A crystal can also reflect.....but there is very little light in here...a flash would not work. Hm....back to square 1..... All throughout the time she had been thinking, The Blader had continued its attack, and finally it was moving in for the kill, the constant back and forth pattern getting much faster and tighter. It was at that time when a thought struck her. Ah! It will move in on its weakened prey to kill it. It will aim for a soft area that will cause massive bleeding. The abdomen or the neck are the most likely targets. When it moves in, dodge and counter! She blinked, then stared at it, daring it to come closer. The Blader's lifeless eyes were focused on her neck. Decapitation? Likely. It stopped, and she saw a long, thin blade emerge from its hand. One sweep, one sweep... It dug its foot into the ground again, preparing to launch and deal the last blow. Ready, ready...

It launched.

Just as it shot forward, she dodged to the side, a bit of her hair being cut by the blade, and grabbed its bladed arm. The blade pointing back cut into the top of her hand, and the substance beneath her hand felt cold. She didn't care. The strength which permitted her to endure shot through her, and she threw The Blader into the air before grabbing its head and smashing its body into the ground. She immediately grabbed its leg and twisted it the opposite way, almost smiling as she heard the CRACK! Foolishly, she ripped the lower half of its right leg off, orange fluid dripping out and wires and blades falling out. She threw it to the side, and suddenly the atmosphere turned gray and her head began to pound. The pain only made her want to throw her head back and laugh, but she was quickly disrupted by the pestilence whose leg she had removed. The Blader could not stand, but it fought just as easily on the ground. It had immediately used its remaining leg to kick her neck, and then used its arms to shoot forward. It grabbed her neck and dug its knee into her abdomen, a blade emerging to cut into the weak area below. She grabbed its arm, no longer feeling the slice of the blades in her hand. As orange fluid began to drip from her mouth, she grabbed The Bladers longest blade and ripped it out. Her attacked showed no pain, it only squeezed her neck harder, causing more orange fluid to ooze out. It was quickly pulling its bladed knee up her abdomen, reaching her ribs and beginning to cut through the metal that made up her skeleton. The world becoming even more gray as color began to fade, she focused on the lifeless eyes of The Blader. Those green eyes might have been beautiful once upon a time, but this was reality. Whatever this humanoid has been before this no longer mattered. NoTHinG evEn MaTTerED anyMoRe. She couldn't help but laugh as she stabbed the blade she had removed from it into its left eye, then its right, then its left, then its right, then its left, then its right. She couldn't stop as she dug her sharp crystalline fingertips into its abdomen, grabbing and pulling out whatever she felt. Orange fluid dripped all over her, severed wires hung out of a large gaping wound, a flesh like substance was flung all over the floor. She stabbed her hand in again as The Bladers grip broke her neck- not like she needed a working one. The wires remained intact, and she could move as long as they were. As she stabbed her hand in for the last time, she grabbed the metal spine and the wires along it and ripped it out, throwing it to the side. The Bladers empty eye sockets stared at her as it fell onto her and she threw it aside, laughing all the while. "WEAK, WEAK, WEAK!! YOU'RE SO WEAK, YOU INSIGNIFICANT SCRAP!" She dug her crystalline fingertips into her skull, causing more orange fluid to drip out. "SO WEAK!" She staggered to the wall and bashed it in easily. "WEAK!" She yelled again, continuing to laugh. The passage lead to nowhere. She bashed in another wall. "SO WEAK!!!" Nothing. Another one. Nothing. She grabbed the metal beneath the crystal that produced light and ripped it away, causing a screeching sound to sound throughout the lab. "YOU'RE ALL....SO.....WEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!" Her screech echoed through the empty hallway and rooms, the deafening sound enough to cause anythings ears to bleed. She laughed even more uncontrollably as she grabbed the wall and ripped the metal away, throwing it across the hallway easily, then repeating this over and over and over again. She just HAD to DESTROY something! This WALL wasn't ENOUGH....she needed LIVE victims. She needed REAL prey, not just some SCRAP METAL from the junkyard. She wanted blood to spray across her pale body. She wanted REAL BLOOD, NOT THIS FALSE ORANGE LIQUID! She staggered down the hall, the world gray, her head pounding even worse than before. She felt like she hear the heartbeats of so many....and how she wanted to rip those hearts out! She wanted to kill and kill and kill. Nothing stood in her way. She could dominate anything. After all, she was made she be the most destructive android on the field, and finally....after being deactivated for so long.....she could begin the bloodbath she was destined to start and never finish.

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