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Headcanon: Himiko and Kokichi always watch Movies Together before going to bed but when Kokichis picks a horror Movie after they watch it Together,it gives Himiko nightmares which make her uncomfortable about sleeping alone so she always goes to Kokichis Dorm and Sleeps with him

One shot:
Himikos Pov
I just Finishsd watching this Horror Movie with Kokichi in the Projector Room and whenever i slept I kept Getting Nightmares about that Serial Killer from that Movie... I'm scared then I realised the Tears from my eyes were coming out that's when I Decided to Finally go to Kokichis Lab.

I knocked twice on his door waiting outside for him to open up.

"Nightmares again huh?" Kokichi said as if he was waiting for Me

"Yeah sorry If I woke u up.." I said as some tears fell down my cheek

"Ugh come here you Big  idiot" kokichi said as he Dragged me inside locking his Lab Door

"Now please stop Crying you idiot I'm here with you" kokichi said as he Wiped away my Tears away

"Come on i want to sleep you can Borrow Some of my PJ'S in that Drawer over there" Kokichi said as he layed his head down on one of his 2 pillows

I went and Changed in to Kokichis PJ they were only a little bit big on Me but it was okay I left my Cloths that I took off tied up and Clean so I can wear them tomorrow

I left the Bathroom heading to sleep on the Floor but Kokichi pulled me on to the bed before I got the Chance to Touch the Floor

"Your not sleeping on the Floor now Go to sleep and if you have Nightmares Remember I'm here right Next to you" he said Holding me Tightly as I slowly Figured I was Sleeping in his Chest but

Such comfort... I have never felt this way in Anyone's Arms... as I never Knew Kokichi.. could Give someone such warm Comfort... like this at all...who ever he used to comfort was Definitely Lucky to be comforted by him... I fell in a deep sleep in Kokichis Chest that Night.


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