3 - The Half-baked Pedophile

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U-urgh. Oh man, what the heck just happened? I feel like a pile of misery right now--like a big gooey mesh of failure and tired dreams squashed by a hippopotamus.

I can't even open my eyes; feels like my lids are stuck to each other. Not to mention, I can't move a single muscle. What just happened anyway?! Ugh, I don't want to think just yet... I'm too tired.

"Wake up."

Huh? What was that?

"Wake up!"

What?! No! Who said that?!

"I did. So wake up!"

Woah woah woah! Listen here, you raspy voice inside my head. I don't know who you think you are, but one thing's for sure: YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! So stop telling me what to do and leave me alone before I call my lawyer on you!

"Hey, you stupid kid! I won't put up with that snarky little attitude of yours, eh! You're lucky enough to even still be here! So watch your mouth before I make up my mind and replace you as my main character, with someone who's more decent and polite and considerate unlike you, little brat!"

I automatically got up.

Nope, uh-uh! Bad idea! Swirling dark shapes dance over my vision as I struggle to keep my eyes open. There's an incessant pounding on my head as if my brain just got scooped out of my head, grounded in a blender, and shoved back in. I clutch my head as my body begins to wobble. THIS IS THE WORST FEELING EVER!

Shutting my eyes tightly, I feel bile rise up my throat. Oh no! Don't throw up! Don't throw up! Don't throw up!


"Urrggghh..." I shudder. "I feel so disgusting."

A cool breeze sweeps around me, calming me sightly. And I close my eyes as I try to bask in the small comfort it brings. Confusion. Anxiety. Fear. Nausea. All of these things slap me across the face at once and I keel over, contemplating the better idea of passing out again.

No, Alex! Keep it together! Don't fall asleep! Even if... even if I really really want to!

Even if all it takes is to close my eyes, lie my head on this soft surface, and shut my eyes.

Even if I'm slowly lying down as we speak...

Get a hold of yourself, Alex! I chastise myself, sitting upright. I can't fall asleep now! And I don't think that I pretty much have a choice now in the first place.

Okay, first of all, I need to compose myself, get rid of this dizziness! Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Second, check for any missing body part 'cause one can never be so sure.



"But I don't wanna think! It hurts my brain and well, let me tell you this, the animosity inside my stomach honestly-"

"Just think!"

Hey! What are you? A voice in my head-

"Just shut up and think, you little brat!"

I shut my mouth and thought.

Hmmm... I remember fighting with my parents, and then with Annie. And there's this thing with a dog. I remember being at the park, sitting on a faded green bench then-

Then what?!

The breeze bursts out of the trees, carrying with it small leaves and petals. I stared at the leaves... or are they petals, I'm not too sure... They look like leaves, but are pink. Heh, pink leaves? Well, that's something you don't see everyday.

Alex in Tra-La-LandWhere stories live. Discover now