4 - The Plights of a Deformed Pear

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I screamed for awhile. I remember crying for the most part.

I bawled until my insides hurt, until the deplorable wails began to sound like retches. I continue to fall. After some time of screaming and a series of  failed attempts to grab onto something, I begin to tire myself out.

How much longer is this gonna take? I mean, the thought of dying in a heap of shattered bones and splattered insides is not at all comforting but come on! It has practically been half an hour! No one can wait--so much as fall--this long! I'm no patient person, you know.

As time goes by, darkness fills my sight; stripping every grain of my senses and thrusting me to wavering reality. I've no idea if I'm still awake or not. I'm not even sure if I'm still alive for that matter or if I've already reached the bottom of this crevice. The sensation of falling had long since left me and I lie afloat in this dark expanse.

Despite the void of my mind, the image of the old hag flickers briefly into my head and I immediately feel myself cringe in anger. I let that image of her engrave itself on my brain for the sake of having something to occupy my thoughts. And predominantly to have someone to blame and be mad at. I'm good like that.

The prominent creases that scale her loose skin, the varying shapes of patches on her face, her pointedly crooked nose that hang like melting wax, her bark-like lips, and the numbered white hairs that are her eyebrows; everything about that pesky old hag screams ugly! But her eyes. Those mystifying green orbs curtained  by wrinkly, drooping lids seem to scream any different. Those eyes...

Eyes that I want to poke so much they'd bleed out of their freaking sockets!!

This is all her fault! Her stupid, wrinkly-faced FAULT!! She could've just left me alone to deal with my own messed up problems! But noooo, she just had to approach me at the park! She could've just let me go home! But nooo, she just had to push me into the brook!

I should've done worst to her when we first met at the park! Kick her bony butt down the pavement, that was what I should've done!

But instead, I'm here! Falling! O-or... just... WHATEVER! See?! I don't even know anymore! That old hag! That old wrinkly, scar-faced hag! That old, wrinkly, scar-faced, pedophiliac, child molester-"WAAHH!" I exclaim as I feel a breeze rock me back and forth, cutting off my unnecessary adjectival onslaught.

"What's going on?!" I try to kick my legs violently and I feel my body shake as well as a tugging sensation under my arms. A buzz of movement comes from around me. I have got no clue as to what that is or what its supposed to mean, but what is utmost perspicuous is that it's not something I could label as good. Not really.

Reaching my hand out, I wave it around and grope for anything in the darkness. I felt something, as light as a feather, touch the tip of my middle finger and a voluntary shiver runs down my back. Eugh! What was that?!! I immediately withdraw my hands.

Okay okay okay. Relax. This is good. Right? I mean, I have my senses back now. I can feel matter all around me and can most likely hear a faint rustling noise. OH SHIII-! Nuh-uh this is definitely not something good. What if I'm nearing the bottom?!! I knew it! I freaking knew it! I'm gonna die! I am so gonna hit the ground in a hard splat!

A wind once again rocks me back and forth, this time harshly. I scream. "AAAAAHHHHH!!"


My eyes snap open as I feel a drop of water drip down to my nose, cutting off my majestic final battle cry. The glare of the morning sun instantaneously sends my eyelids snapping back shut. What, is this the afterlife? Blinking my eyes to the sudden brightness, I slowly adjust my focus to my surroundings and my mood turns sour even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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