Chapter 2 - The Special Guests

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My name is Damien Harold Lewis, an alpha's son and an only child of Alpha Daryl and Luna Hillary. Since I turned thirteen Dad sent me in every Alpha training. Most of the time I'm out of the country or having pack meetings like making peace with them via treaty or talking about rouges attacks. My Dad wants me to start acting as the Alpha the earlier I started my reign the better. He handed me the thrown a month when I turned eighteen.

Our pack is called Blue Crest Moon known to be strongest and biggest here in Yorkshire aside from the Royal pack or the Pura Lupus (Pure Wolf) pack. It is the most powerful pack with special powers and their furs are white for royal bloods while rouges are black.

Going back my pack has 80-90 members excluding the children and pregnant women. Being a true blood my fur is red while the rest is grey with black streaks. As an alpha I'm responsible for the safety and welfare of every pack members. It's my duty to fought for peace and lead them on during battles. They will have to obey my command and stay loyal or they will be exiled from the pack. It's also my task to join every neighbouring pack meetings to avoid war against them. Like right now I just got back with my Beta from southern part of Yorkshire to talk with other Alphas.

"Hey son, I'm glad your back home with Steve safely." Dad greeted while tapping my shoulder.

"Same here Dad. It's stressful travelling with a kid." I eyed my Beta Steve while hugging my father.

"Hey, I'm not a kid Damien." Steve fired back.

"I didn't say you are. Guilty much cous?" I taunted.

"You implied it." He insisted sticking his tongue out at me.

"It's always fun watching you both. Anyway join us for dinner in twenty minutes I know you and Steve are both hungry from travelling." Dad walked inside the house.

"Sure Dad. Me and Steve will be there we just have to settle our things in our bedrooms." I sling my bag on my shoulder.

"I'm starving and missing Aunt Hillary's cooking. I'm getting tired of all the microwave food. I can smell the apple pie now." Steve whined.

"You are worse than a kid. Sometimes I wonder how old you really are." I playfully shut the door to his face.

I heard him muttered under his breath while I just ignored it. Steve Roberts is my best friend and first cousin. I choose him as my Beta when I started to take my reign. He is like a brother I never had and the best fighter we have in our pack. If there's one person I trusted it's him.

Beta is the second in command in the pack, if anything happens with me he will take over. Provided I don't have an heir that's why it's important for us Alpha to find our mate. Not only she can bear the future leader but also she will have the same duties and responsibilities like me. The only difference is during fights, the Luna will be kept safe with other women and children while the Alpha and the rest of the men fight to protect the pack.

'That's why we need to find our mate. It's been a month since we turned eighteen.' My wolf complains.

'Remember that's one of the reasons we travelled south.' I reminded him.

'But we ended up with same results as always.' Crimson has a sulked tone.

'I know but we need to be more patience. We will find her soon and before you know it she's here.' I vouched and he stayed quiet.

Crimson, my red fur wolf is my confidant during battle. He is strong just like my human form but we will be more competitive when we find our mate. Sometimes he out smart me that is too much for my liking but that's what makes him Crimson.

"Damien! Come on man I'm starving!" Steve shouted outside my door.

"Keep your tone down damn! Now I am regret being related to you." I uttered to his childish behaviour.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but you can't change our blood line. To freshen up your memories, Hillary is Mom's sister that makes her my Aunt and lastly I'm a year older just younger looking than you are." Steve remarked me to laugh too much.

That's how we always are anyway we went to the dinning and get our plates. Just by seeing Mom made me miss her more and her cooking.

"Ha ha ha! I got the pie first!" Steve yelled.

"Nope! I did! You need a brain check dear cousin." I joked while proceeding to our seats.

"Both of you stop this childish act. Nothing has changed with both of you since I left." Aunt Esterine reprimanded us.

"Ester!!! Matthew!! We missed you!! When did you arrive?" I greeted and hugged them both.

Aunt Esterine but prefers to be called Ester is Father's sister and seldom visit us. When she found her mate Matthew, she moved out. She used to keep an eye on us when our parents are busy with pack business. She preferred going to Grams often since she's getting sick.

"Two days ago. We personally came to tell you great news." She plastered a big smile.

"Ester is five weeks pregnant." Matthew announced and they earned a lot of congratulations from us.

"Nice to know I'll have new cousin soon a real baby at heart and mind than him." I referred to Steve.

"Yeah me too! I am getting tired of constant nagging from Damien like a kid." Steve complained.

"That's another addition to the family." Mom hugged Ester.

"Anyway, how did the pack meeting went Damien?" Dad furrowed his eyebrows while pouring wine on his glass.

"It went really well Dad they wanted a treaty with us for planning against rouges. Since the rouges are growing numbers these days." I scooped beans on my plate.

"That's great advantage and help for us to eliminate them." He passed the wine on the table.

"We also found out there's a small pack named Nightshade Moon that accepting rouges under the name of Alpha Sebastian." Steve detailed while Dad studied the names.

"The name sounds familiar." Mom butted in while Ester and Matthew nodded.

"Yeah it somehow rings a bell in my ears too." Dad nodded munching his food.

"I will discuss about it with Grams maybe she knows something." Aunt Ester voiced out.

"I will see what we can do about it. They might be a threat to every pack." I initiated to plan after all it's my pack now.

"That's my nephew! Always planning ahead of the battle I bet you will do more good with Steve by your side." Ester cuts in.

The conversation flowed lightly until the dinner ended. I and Steve retired soon to bed because of exhaustion. I'm back to school tomorrow and hopefully I'll find my mate there.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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