Chapter 8 - The Strange Notes

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Today is another day for school I rode the bus and went Vans place. As usual I woke up her with my style this time I pretended as ghost. In the end she got pay back using her powers to levitate me. She put me down after our not serious bickering and started getting ready. We head to the kitchen to get some apple and cereal bars. I munched the apple while Vans have the granola bar. I saw a blonde hair guy with blue eyes. He is handsome but I don't see any reason to like him something about him is giving me a bad vibes.               

"Who is that guy Vans?" I pointed to the guy leaning over her car.

"My half-brother." She filled me in.

I mouthed her 'tell me later' and she nodded. After a little chat with Michael she briefly introduced me to her half-brother.

"Garret this is my best friend, Sophia." Vans introduced us while this Garret guy cleared his throat.

"Hi. I'm Garret." He reached out his hand for a shake.

"Sophia, nice to meet you." I accepted.

"Pleasure is mine beautiful." Garret eyed me like a prey.

'He is creepy Sophie tell it to Vanessa.' Ruby butted in. 

'I know but can't do that to Vans he is still her brother after all. Give it time maybe we will like him eventually.' I tried to convince her but it's more to myself I think.

I think Vans saw my discomfort and she saved me.

"Can I have her hand back now?" Vans cuts in pulling my hand.

"Sure." He went inside the car with us.

He took the shot gun and sat at the backseat. All throughout the car ride we were silent since we were talking in our minds. I found out her brother is a half witch.

'Maybe that's why I felt the bad vibes on him.' My wolf reacted listening to Vans.

'I think so but I won't say it. I don't wanna hurt Vans if she can accept him and so do we.' I made a point.

I can tell Vans is having hard time with the situation about her half-brother so I gave her an advice. After our girls talk we head to the class until the lunch break. I went to my locker and found a note.

To my beautiful Sophia,

I want you to know I'm your mate and soon you will meet me. May this rose make your day bright just like mine.

Yours forever,

Anonymous mate

I was still clutching it when Ruby gave her opinion.

'If he is then why didn't he just came and introduced himself?' Her tone came out disappointed.

'Maybe he is still shy Ruby.' I placed the note inside the locker and locked it.

I tried to forget the incident and went to the cafeteria to our usual place.

'Soph, the jerk wants to sit with us. Are you fine with it?' Vanessa mindlinked me.

'Sure it's just a seat anyway.' I moved my things to give more space.

She's referring to Antony, the guy who thinks he owns the school. I mean we get it he is handsome but too arrogant for my liking. I also can see his attitudes towards Vans and I don't like it. I'm still lost in my thought when Vanessa introduced me to him.

"Anthony this is my friend Sophia." She introduced me formally and we shook hands.

"So why do you wanna seat with us Mr. Hearthrob?" I went straight to the point.

"I actually came here to apologize for yesterday." He began talking while I zoned out to their conversation.

I only speak up when he hand a folder to Vans.

"Well at least he's a useful jerk." I can't help it and Vanessa gave me 'shut up glare'.

"I'm sorry about that Anthony. Sophia is just kidding." Vanessa apologized while kicking me under the table.

"It's fine. I understand her besides I do admit I'm a jerk sometimes." He put up with judgement smoothly.

"Most of the time actually." I munched the fries.

'If you don't shut up I will not go to the mall with you later.' Vans mindlinked me.

'No way!' I protested and sulked.

'Yes way so shut it.' She warned me.

The mindlink only works for any member of specific pack but Vans made a secret bond for us. Since she's a royal blood she can do some things that a normal weres can't do. I was still in trance while Vanessa is talking with Anthony about the fair. They were like a couple talking but I can't justify it until she smiled at him. Omg she is! I did the thing to make her admit it after Anthony left us.

"Somebody likes someone." I mocked her.

"I am not falling in love!" She slipped the words. Gotcha!

"Why you became defensive?  My word was like not in love didn't I?" I smirked and stretched the words.

"Well... I---" She stuttered and I'm right.

"Vans I'm not going to judge you if you like him it's fine. But you know you will find your mate soon." I reminded her.

"Do you really think I like him?" She had a glint of doubt.

"Only you can answer that Vans I'm just here to support you. Just want you to be honest with him and your mate if that happens. I don't want to see you hurt in the end." I advised her.

We heard the bell ring signalling the lunch is over. I went to my locker to pick up my other book when another note falls off.

To my beautiful Sophia,

It's nice to see you from a distance. Here's another rose for you.

Yours forever,

Anonymous mate

This is the second time it happened today and it's getting into my nerves. I just hope this will end soon because it's creeping me out. I decided I'll hide it from Vanessa since I know she have a lot on her plate now. I will tell her soon when there's another note honestly I'm hoping not to have any. I tried to clear my head for the rest of class until my last subject that I hate the most, physical health. I dressed up with my gym clothes and went to the field.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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