Chapter 22 - The Witch's Accomplice

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I'm half witch and daughter of Bryant Langston, the school Principal at Roundhay. I have a ten year old brother named Paul. People call me slut at school but I don't give a damn. I can do anything I want to get my father's attention. His time and focus is all about my younger brother and I'm always compared to him. I'm just a disappointment to my father from our house to school. My mother Rebecca was the only one who gave attention to me. She was a human and passed away before the school starts. My Dad couldn't heal him with potions because my Mom refuses to drink it.

You might wonder how we can go out unnoticed and how easily we can get along with others. Simply because we make a potion to mask our scents to make them believe we are pure werewolves. In our society we bare a mark and it burns when we sense our mate. My left shoulder felt it and I remember that day very well.

(FLASHBACK --- a week ago)

I just got back from my father's office who gave me hell of lectures when someone bumped into me automatically I felt my mark is burning.

"What's your name, mate?" He comes near and smelled my scent.

"Pamela Anne Langston." I replied on my lowest voice.

He has blonde hair with the amazing blue eyes I've ever seen. I know exactly who he is. Before I knew it our lips touched and I'm kissing him back. I couldn't think straight until he pulled me in the nearest bathroom. Thank God everyone is busy with the upcoming event and nobody interrupted us. He wasn't my first but he is more than better than the guy I had even though I wasn't pure he still accept me.

"Can I mark you?" He touched my cheek.

"Yes." I gave him the signal and he tears my blouse off.

The mark will be on our right chest this time. It's a black pentagram logo with rays around it. It's a sign of a true witch and claimed by her mate since only female have marks to determine their mates.

After he managed to give the mark he wasted no time. He began caressing, kissing me roughly and take me all the way. Just then I remember we didn't use any protection at all but who cares! He already claimed me and he is mine. When we finished he started confessing everything. I found out that his first bedded girlfriend dumped him I got upset and jealous. Now I know why my mate took long time to accept me. He wanted revenge so I went along with his brilliant plan including our accomplice.


I'm now spending time with my mate on our secret place. It's my family's ancestral enchanted house inside the forest.

"How is the spell going did you manage to do it?" My mate played with my hair.

"Yeah I did here it is. You might want to read it if you like." I stood up and gave the paper.

Crescit amor cum a vinculum

(Love with a growing bond)

Sit scintilla recedemus

(May the spark be gone)

Cut vincula volo

(Cut the ties is what I want)

Reponi cum a non reales vinculum

(Replaced with unreal bond)

"You're so genius!" He kissed me after reading the spell.

"I also made a seduction potion he can drink." I pitched in and he beamed with happiness.

"I love your ideas. You never fail to surprise me my mate." He hugged me and it made me happy.

He is the only one who showed me love and didn't leave me. It's the first time somebody praised things that I do. For that he gave me reason to love him unconditionally.

"What is your next step? We need to act fast on this you know." He walked around the house.

"Since Sophia is not yet claim their bond will get weak. Then I will get close to Damien behind Sophia's back." I planned.

"How about the potion? How long it will last if he drinks it?" He found a book.

"Twenty four hours. I need to make him drink it before the effects ended." I added.

He ran his hand on the bookshelf and stopped on particular book. The only thick book placed at the bookshelves near the fireplace.

"What is this book? I haven't seen anything like this." He opened it.

"It's the book of shadows." I watched him.

It's the book of witches where all spells and steps to make potions are written. There are also facts about different supernatural being with their weaknesses and strengths. How we can use them for fighting or casting spells. The symbol of the book is same as our marks.

"I don't know something like this exist my Mom died not telling me about this. She only taught me few tricks like masking my scent and making my own spell. It's for my own protection against wolves or human." He sounds amazed.

I learned his Mom became famous in Wiccan world because of what she did. The Highest Council decided to punish her by taking all her powers and became human. Later on she died from cancer right after her human mate do suicidal act. That's why he ended up on his biological father.

"I understand. You are lucky to be with them I never had that chance because my father often ignored me." I held sadness in my tone.

"I'm glad were together now. We will make our own memories." He assured and I believed we will.

Before he can react I pulled his collar and smashed my lips with him. We ended that night full of passion I'm in no doubt in love with my mate and I'm willing to do anything for him.

He is half Pura Lupus and son of King Marcus to Giesel Gillot. His name is Garret Crawford.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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