Chapter 25 - The Parent's Decision

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After ten minutes of driving we arrived at their driveway and I held Sophia's hand until at their front porch. It was her father who appeared by the doorstep.

"Sophia... Damien? What's going on? Your Aunt mindlinked me you were at the infirmary." Sebastian worried tone while we entered the house.

"Sophia, is everything okay?" This time it's her Mom.

My mate is still shaken up so I guided her to take a seat with me.

"Sebastian, Madeline. I think its best time to tell you something." I began while guiding Sophia on the couch.

"What is it Damien?" Sebastian is full of concern.

"There's someone stalking her for a while now." I'm surprised how calm my voice came out.

I fetched the recent note in my pocket and showed it to Sebastian. Their reactions are all mixed up just like the first time I got it.

"Sophia, why didn't you tell us that you've been getting this?" Madeline turned to her daughter.

"Because I thought it's just a simple crack jokes. Plus we have a lot of problems with the rouges and other things." Sophia justified her side emphasizing the last word.

I know their doing the mindlinked conversation so I had the chance to do the same with my Dad. I blocked him out after promising I'll be home soon and paid attention to Sophia and her parents.

"I understand but it's just that you also need to be safe. You are the future Alpha of this pack." Her Dad brings up.

That reminds me to discuss it with her too but it will be for later. Right now I'm worried about her safety maybe her father will agree about moving in together.

"There's more a guy named Garret who is Vanessa's half-brother somehow threatened Sophia last week." I reckoned that caused her Dad to rise on his sit.

"HE WHAT?!" Sebastian shouted while Madeline tried to tone him down.

"SOPHIA LAUREN!! You better give me a better explanation why didn't you at least say this!!" Her mom demanded.

"Mom, Dad could you please calm down? I know what I did was wrong but have you forgotten? Vanessa is my friend and that's her half-brother we are talking about." She made her point.

"Exactly he is half! Who knows what he could've done to you!" I butted in.

I lose my temper thinking what could've happened but Sophia just rolled her eyes at me.

"Damien, King Marcus and Queen Victoria treats me like I'm part of their family. They have been so kind to me eversince Vanessa and I became friends. If I tell them about it it will cause gap between me and Vanessa's friendship and to them. I can't just blurt it out and I won't risk that." She pointed out while her tears began to fall.

'Nice work Damien!' Crimson sarcastic tone while I pulled Sophia closer to me.

'I didn't mean too! That guy just irks me. Now shut up please.' I blocked him out.

"I'm sorry baby for upsetting you. I didn't know you will feel this way." I wiped the tears.

"We understand your situation but we can't let this pass. I will talk to King and Queen about this." Her Dad sudden decision.

"It's best to do it on next Sunday since it's the masquerade ball for Vanessa's eighteenth birthday right Sophia?" Madeline suggested.

"Yes and it would be the best time to bond with her too. Maybe I should call Vans and we can get a dress together then I can tell her what happen." Sophia compromised and they nodded.

"Baby, why don't you rest in your room? I'll come after I talk to your father I promised." I kissed her temple.

She stood up and climbed the stairs until I heard the bedroom door closes. Madeline went to the kitchen and made coffee while Sebastian and I remained seated.

"Sebastian, I think it's time that I take her with me. Don't take it the wrong way I have thought about this because of what happened earlier at school." I cleared my throat.

"What exactly happened? I'm still at lost Damien." Sebastian placed a hand on his chin.

"She had a panic attack that's why she lost her consciousness. The nurse..." I filled up the details.

Madeline comes in and served the drinks while I'm showing the prescription for Sophia.

"I think Damien and the nurse is right Hun. He is her mate and we can't allow our daughter's safety and health is at risk. As soon as she claims her he will be able to determine all her emotions and she can be trace easily. We knew this is the reasonable and logical way." Madeline persuaded Sebastian.

"That's also one of the reasons I want to claim her. What if I came in late by the hallway? The stalker might have the chance to take her because I can't pick up her emotions or even mindlinked her." I voiced out my worries.

"Exactly what my thoughts are Damien." Madeline sides with me.

"We can't thank you enough for bringing our daughter safe back home. If you mean to say our consent to claim her you already got it. We knew we can trust you with her life." Sebastian speaks after a minute of silence.

"You have all the right to claim and mark her but the decision is not ours to make. If she wants to stay with you it's totally fine with us." Madeline accepted with a smile.

"Thank you for understanding. I know it's up to Sophia and I'm not going to pressure her with anything. I just want to let you know what I'm thinking and doing is for Sophia's sake." I finally breathe.

"It's us who needs to thank you for taking care of her in every possible way you can. Sooner or later you will be our daughter's husband so we might as well start getting used to it." Sebastian tapped my shoulder.

"Why don't you go check on Sophia in her room? It's by the hallway first door on the left." Madeline instructed with a winked while her husband gave me a go ahead nod.

"One more thing if you hurt her I will not hesitate to take her back where she was once belongs." Sebastian threatened me playfully but I know he mean it.

I was thinking deep while taking steps towards her room. I hope she will come home with me tonight. I opened her door to find her standing while staring at her phone.

"Baby, is everything okay? Why you seems so down? Is it the notes again?" I snaked my arm around her tiny waist.

"I'm okay just worried about Vanessa. I've been trying to reach her phone but always ended up in her voicemail." She sounds too upset.

"Maybe she is just busy don't worry you'll see her on Monday. The fair will be over and you can spend time with her." I tried to cheer her up.

"Yeah I'll just talk to her by then. Wait! What did you and Dad talked about?" My mate grilled me.

I inhaled deeply and relayed the conversation I had with her father. I was nervous since I don't know if she will accept my idea in the end I went home with a big smile on my face. I'm excited to tell my parents about her moving in with me but of course on her terms I don't wanna rush her.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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