Chapter 7 - The Grandmother's Information

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During my conversation with Mr. Langston I smelled something alluring. It's like scents of vanilla, flax and ginger are rounded out with a spicy note of musk.

'The smell... it's her! That's our mate!' My wolf got frantic again.

'It's so heavenly. Damn we need to go.' I sniffed too suddenly forgetting about Mr. Langston.

"Lewis, is everything okay? Did you get all the things I am telling you?" He eyed me a little confused.

"I... uhm... Mr. Langston yes everything is okay but can I please go to loo for a while?" I excused myself hoping he would allow me.

"I'm giving you five minutes then you need to go back here. Check all your subjects that need to be settled." He permitted.

As soon as I heard that I'm already heading out the door. I'm at the hallway and the scent started to fade. I went to check it at the girl's restroom but no one is there. Although the smell lasted there much longer I got nothing.

'She already left and we didn't catch her. Not even her features, her name or her face.' Crimson whimpered disappointedly.

'We will find her the school just started. At least we already knew her scent so it's easy to find her now.' I gave him hopes.

The five minutes was over so there's no time to otherwise Mr. Langston will report me to my parents. Whole day I spent catching up the other lessons inside the faculty so I didn't join any of my classes. The Principal recommend attending my regular classes tomorrow so I complied.

"Lewis, it's nice to finally see you after two months since you left for pack business. Where is?" Our gym/football instructor greeted me.

"Thanks Mr. Thompson I guess I'm back for good. About Steve, he is not feeling well since Saturday so if you will be kind enough to give me all his lessons it will be easy for him to catch up." I replied politely.

"Did your mother tell you about joining the team?" He questioned while handling me the notes.

"Yes Mr. Thompson and we will be joining the team again." I confirmed and he tapped my shoulder.

"Great! Anyway you will be off the track today but tomorrow I expect you to be at the field." He demanded.

"Will do Mr. Thompson thanks again." I went back on my missed notes.

It was almost sunset when I got home from school. I parked my car and saw Dad by the driveway same time.

"Hey Dad! How was your meeting?" I approached him from the porch.

"I visited your Grams. She's sending her greetings to you and Steve." Dad faced light up.

"How is Gram's?" I felt missing her.

"She's fine but you know eversince your Pops died, she prefers to live away from here to forget the memories." Dad answered tiredly.

My grandfather Tommy is a great Alpha leader back then together with my Grandmother Dehlia. It was a peaceful pack before the battle starts with hunters and rouges. Pops died from fighting till his last breathe then Grams decided to fund an orphanage for kids and ill wolves. It's mostly for those who were abandoned from the attacks or just simply those who lost their mates.

"I just wish we can do something for her Dad. Is it true you went to meeting? Did you find anything about the pack?" I referred to our conversation yesterday.

"The meeting was actually to your Grams I found that the Alpha of Nightshade Moon pack was your Pops friend. That's why they sounded familiar to me." Dad opened the front door.

"So are there any sign of threat from the pack?" I towed him as we sat on the receiving area.

"Nope it's lead by Alpha Williams son and has a sister two years older than him that's what your words." He pointed out and I analysed it.

"Any alliances they are involved with?" I inquired.

"It's an independent pack and always stays neutral with every battle against hunters and rouges. That is their stand for the past 30 years from what I gathered." Dad went to details.

"I only have one question why they are helping rouges? In fact they are the reasons of the attacks that have been happening here left and right even at the southern part of Yorkshire." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I was wondering myself but your Grams was certain that after the battle only 20 people survived including Sebastian and Sylvia. Your Gram's helped her friend to raise the heirs secretly." Dad ended the story.

In the pack law when the Alpha dies and there's no successor to take place they will be considered rouges. But if there is an heir, he/she will take over the position when turned eighteen whether man or woman. Moreover, the pack will be once again recognized.

"Now I understand. Thanks Dad for doing this." I acknowledged his doings.

"Dinner is served. I want you both at the dinning in five!" Mom hollered.

In my head I want to know more about the Nightshade Moon pack. I don't know why but I felt the need to do so.

'Maybe our mate is there.' Crimson cut my thoughts.

'Could be but with Dad's information it made me think so hard. What if our mate is rouge as well?' I retorted.

'Whatever or whoever she is, I love our mate and that will never change.' He insisted.

'That's right although we haven't met her yet and only catch her scent I knew I love her. I have to admit that's all I can think of right now.' I thought about her scent.

'Exactly what my thought is. Tomorrow we will be able to find her.' My wolf is determined.

'Yeah we will. Why don't we rest now and let's call it a day?' I almost yawned.

Before I knew it my wolf is already snoring so I hit the sack as well. Tomorrow my goal is to find my mate.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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