Chapter 1 - Barriers

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Bloom continued to zone out as she remembered. It all happened so quickly, everyone's mood changed in an instant. Walking through Alfeas gates the 5 girls were so happy to be back, excited for the new term to commence. With everything happening at once the term before, they felt relaxed they didn't have to fight any more burned ones this time (at least they thought), especially Bloom. But then it happened. The moment all the girls stepped into Alfeas grounds, they could already picture the dreadful year to come. With Rosalind, Andreas and Queen Luna Infront of them, their excitement change swiftly to fear.
"Bloom?" Stella nudged Bloom, causing her to come back to the real world. The 5 of them were still standing there, Queen Luna and Andreas gaze fixed upon them all. Rosalind continued to babble on about everything that happened, but none of the girls were truly listening. They were all too busy looking around the school courtyard, watching the Solarian soldiers as they gathered students up to prepare for a mandatory assembly to explain everything. Bloom however, couldn't care less about the soldiers. She was only looking for one person.
Her eyes flickered from person to person, trying to find the person who she knew would be completely baffled by everything, he texted her the day before explaining about his father's death and yet here his father was, standing right Infront of her.
Even though no one was paying attention to Rosalind's speech, everyone stopped to turn when she mentioned Silva being arrested for the 'attempted murder' of Andreas and then further went on to mention that Miss Dowling had left for a sabbatical. They didn't understand, why would their headmistress leave them at this time? When everything was at the heat of battle? They all knew there was something more to it, but that was the least of their worries. Terra particularly was feeling hurt at this time. How could her father just give in like that? Surely he could put up some sort of fight, I mean, he was a trained fairy after all.
As Rosalind finally came to a close with her monologue, Queen Luna turned to them.
"I know this is new, girls. But I can assure you we know what we're doing. Now Farah has gone we can properly train you, no funny business."
Stella smirked and rolled her eyes, she was ready to fight. Just as she went to speak, Musa sensed she was angry and immediately stopped her.
"Stella, no. You know what shell do to you."
Stella glanced at Musa and stepped back, trying to hold back the anger within her. Just at that moment Luna looked at Stella, as if to reenforce the fear that Stella felt for her mother so she knew her place. Aisha piped up.
"I don't understand, I mean, as tiring as being a headmistress is, Miss Dowling would never leave like that, not without warning." The other girls nodded to agree. Rosalind, blatantly ignoring her comment just stared at all 5 of the girls, as if reading what they were all thinking.
"If your thinking of escaping, or starting some crappy resistance cult against me, I'll know. Don't underestimate me. Now as for your lessons, everything is roughly the same, however as you can see the school will be more militarized. You will all participate in combat lessons and we will be teaching your powers at a significantly high level. I expect you all to comply, and if you don't, well, be prepared to suffer the consequences." As she finished each of the girls gave eachother a glance of frustration and confusion. Then after about 5 seconds, a tall, brown haired boy roughly our age came and stood next to Stella, who gave a face of disgust.
"Do you mind?" She said as she glared at him. She turned to her mother.
"This is your new bodyguard, Stella. Because of your last great escape I have decided to have someone stay with you to make sure it never happens again." She gave that same stare she gave Stella earlier.
"But mum I-" Queen Luna's eyes glowed a bright yellow colour, causing Stella to fall to the ground in agony.
"AHHH! Stop it! Stop it now!" She clasped her head as she nelt face down on the pebbled floor, all the girls crowded around her helping her through her pain.
"She said stop! Your hurting her!" Yelled Terra, as she stared worryingly at Luna.
"That's enough, Lu." Said Andreas realizing how much pain she was putting Stella through.
At that, Queen Luna's eyes faded back to her normal, blue-green colour and Stella was finally able to relax. Bloom and Aisha proceeded to help her off the ground as they all continued to look at Luna in destain. They never thought she was that evil, to harm her own daughter was a different level of low.
"Right." Said Rosalind to break the thick layer of icy silence.
"You will all now be escorted to your suite. I'll give you today to rest, you all look like you need it." She gave each of the 5 girls an examination.
"I have to go and give this assembly." Then she turned to the brown haired handsome boy, still standing next to Stella.
"Brandon, will you take the girls back to their suite, I don't want them running off." As she said this she turned away, Andreas and Luna following after her. The girls all looked at this mysterious bodyguard who was apparently called Brandon, and followed him as he lead them to their suite, past all the military cars and soldiers, and the confused students who had no idea what was going on.
Bloom, still looking for Sky, continued to look around to try and spot him. He was no where in sight. She dread to think of what happened to him, what they might have done to him. After everything, she was sure he needed someone to talk to.

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