𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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📍 Camelot

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📍 Camelot

March, 504 AD

"This sucks! I mean, in my time, one quick Facebook search would give us enough information to send that rat to prison for life. Instead, we've gotta sit back and enjoy the show as Dr. Two-Face makes a fool out of Utah," I ranted as I made a paper airplane while sitting at the kitchen bench inside Gaius's apartment. The physician eyed my craft curiously while he worked on a potion for a lady courtier who was experiencing menstrual cramps. 

"A book of faces?" the elder man questioned, stopping his work for a moment to frown at me. I snorted and paused for a moment to admire my finished plane. Chef's kiss. "It's this online platform where people post photos and videos of their lives and stuff, and it gets shared with their friends," I explained nonchalantly. "I am sorry, child, but you lost me at 'online'," Gaius said with an apologetic look. I dropped my head to the table for a few seconds before straightening up again. "Think of it as an archive that documents everyone's lives, except that its all kept on..." I pulled my phone from the pocket on my riding leggings, "...this thing, rather than a physical paper archive."

The physician hummed. "An archive," he stated pensively. I tilted my head. Then frowned as he promptly abandoned what he was doing and went towards the door. "I will be right back," he announced before leaving without another word. "Darn, I think I broke him," I mumbled as I threw my plane towards the door, huffing in disappointment when it only flew a couple of metres. 

With nothing better to do, I figured that it would be a nice gesture to prepare some dinner for Gaius and Merlin. I browsed the small storage room for a few minutes and settled on making some sandwiches, not wanting to risk burning the apartment down if I tried to use the stove. 

When I was ten, I accidentally started a little fire while trying to make quesadillas at my Uncle's house. And that was on an easy-to-use modern electric stove. I didn't want to find out what kind of damage I could cause on a medieval one. 

"Gaius! Astra! I found something of importance!" I started as Merlin all but crashed into the apartment. I forgot about the spinach I was cutting and moved towards the boy. "Gaius left – but I'm all ears! What did you find!?" I asked eagerly. He sat down at the kitchen bench and I mirrored his actions, propping my head up on my hand, my elbow resting on the table, as I watched my friend intently. 

"I went into his chambers to clean them, and I went through some of his things like you suggested, and I found a box that contains bugs that are activated by magic, " he explained excitedly. I smirked in triumph. "Awesome! We can expose him now!" I exclaimed, drumming on the table. His face fell, making worry strike my chest as my own smile faded. "Not quite," the sorcerer mumbled, looking down. "What? Why?!" I wondered in exasperation. "He...found out that I...have...magic...too," he spoke slowly as he eyed me for a reaction. 

I slumped backwards, only I forgot that the kitchen bench doesn't have a backrest and I fell. My arms were barely able to catch my body – but, thankfully, they did. Merlin rushed to my side, his eyes wide in horror.  "Are you okay?" the sorcerer asked as he helped me to my feet. "Yep, never better. Let's just go find Gaius and tell 'em what you found. He'll know what to do. He's like...Grand Master Oogway." Merlin tilted his head at my words, but didn't ask.  

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