𝚃𝙴𝙽;𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜

147 8 0

!!TW!!: Pain Inflicting Actions, Harmful Words



Another boring day at school and practice wasn't too bad, but I finally felt Hinata's pain when getting hit in the face with the ball.
I was looking, more like staring at Hinata and got hit in the face by the King's serve.

Not a great experience, but Noya and Tanaka seemed to enjoy it.
Honestly, I think he hit me on purpose, because he saw me looking at Hinata.

I don't know. Maybe, maybe not.

Right now, I'm following Hinata and Kageyama home, while trying not to get caught.
It's harder than I thought, because of my height, but I'm managing.


After a 10-minute walk we make it to Kageyama's house.
It's a two story.

Before the King opens the door, he stops in front of it, tells Hinata something, and goes inside alone.

Hinata was just sitting on the steps up to the house, shivering from the cold.
I wanted to give him my hoodie, but who knows what trouble that could cause.

King comes out after another five minutes and starts saying something.
I get a bit closer, and I could hear what he was saying.

"We're going to th-"

"Didn't you say we were just gonna stay at your house?"

"Don't interrupt me. Okay, Dumbass?"

"Yeah, sorry.."

King always calls Hinata a Dumbass, but everyone can tell he doesn't mean it.
This time though he had venom laced in his words and Hinata, he always sounds so happy, even recently he has sounded happy, but just now he sounded sad and vulnerable.

I wish I could do something.

They start walking towards the direction of the park that has a Volleyball Court and I follow.

I should've known that's where they were going when King came out of his house with a Volleyball.


20 minutes and we're here.

Surprisingly they haven't seen or heard me.
That's a relief.

They warm up and start practicing their freak quick.


30 minutes have passed and I'm contentedly watching.
Hinata looks a bit happier than earlier.

That is until Kageyama makes a mistake with his set and Hinata doesn't hit the ball.

Hinata looks scared as if he knows what's going to happen.

King looks furious.
He practically stomps his way over to Hinata, hits him, and yells, "You moron, why didn't you hit that?!"

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