Chapter 5: A conversasion between siblings

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(Darling's POV)

    Finally! It's Friday and like planned I gotta talk to Daring. I'm honestly nervous but he's my brother it's not like he doesn't whine about girls to me all the time. So it's just fair if he tells me what's going on.

"Hey Darling!"

"Hey Dex."

"Well you sound especially excited today."

"Sorry I'm just not looking forward to talking with Daring."

"Why he's our brother."

"Yeah but, the more I think the more it seems like this is a bad idea."

"Well to be honest it kind off seems like a good idea. Think about it, the only reason Apple freaked out about Daring and Rosabella kissing is because she has become more anxious after the accident between you two."

"What makes you say that?"

"Come on Darling, Daring is know as a flirt through out the whole school! Even Apple knew and she didn't care that Daring flirted and smooched with other girls because they still 'had a whole future to fall in love'. It's only until that future is taken away from Apple that she actually cares who Daring is smooching for the week." In a sense, Dex is right. I never payed attention to Apple's and Daring's relationship, but now that I think about it, Apple hasn't payed much attention to Daring, but all of a sudden she's freaking out over a kiss that Daring has given to a bunch of girls at this point? Apple is acting like she has been cheated on even though they haven't been dating.

"I guess since everyone already see's them as a couple, they didn't pay attention on how nonsensical this really is."

"Yeah, your right Dex. Well You gotta thank Blondie for that, she tends to shove her camera in their faces while calling them the perfect couple."

"Hey! You two! Stop chit chatting and start working! You have to finish and present your potions to me by the end of class! Or you will have to make gold for me hehe."

"Oh we are actually done Mr.Rumplestilskins! Right Dex?"

"Oh- umm- yeah we are all done."

"Well of course the Charming siblings would finish first, but you have to show me you did it good! Speed doesn't determine your grades after all!"

"No problem Mr.Rumplestilskins!" Thankfully I'm all done with my potion, it's just Dex that will fail. He can read a recipe but not actually make something with it. He is just book smart after all.

*whisper* "Pay attention to what I do."

"So you put this liquid here, and then in a separate container you put the red and yellow together. Then you mix this purple powder with the original container. Then, put the white powder with the red and yellow liquid. After both are mixed well you put some fairy dust in both containers but only unicorn magic in the original container, and then finally put both liquids in the same container-


"-And voila!" A big cloud formed right above me. It rained fairy dust combined with unicorn magic. It's quite beautiful, just looking at it makes me feel comfortable.

"Humph! A for you Darling. It's your turn now Dexter Charming."

"AA yeah ok!"

*whisper* "Dex, did you even pay attention?"

        "Honestly, no."


"Aaaa yeah I'm getting to it sir! Haha." His face is obviously asking for help. But it's not my fault that he wasn't paying attention. The recipe isn't that hard, but knowing him the science lab is going to end in flames.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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