Chapter 3

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I ate more then I've ever eaten in my life. Us Ravenclaws traveled up to our common room but before we entered we had to answer a riddle. I knocked on the door with the raven knocker and it spoke.

"I am son of water but yet when I return to the water I die. Who am I" the raven knocker asked. There was murmuring amongst the students I thought about it and it came to me "Ice" I say loudly and the door opens. I smile to myself

"I knew that" said Luke a seventh year with short brown hair said proudly. "Well you didn't say it first" I say back. He glares at me and enters the common room. I look around the Ravenclaw common room with stacks of books and a library that covers the walls. I pick up a book a go to the fifth year girls room.

I put the book and suit case on my bed and start to unpack. Autumn follows behind me and puts her stuff on the bed next to mine. "So what did you do this summer? Mine was great I went to the quidditch World Cup with my dad and sister and it was awesome!" Autumn rambles on. "No offense Autumn I really don't care right now. I've had a long day and I just want to sleep." She sighs and nods. I turn off the lamp and curl up in the warm blanket and shut my eyes.

Lights flash, screams, and people running. It was a dream. It was the dream that kept having. But it was just a dream. Right?

[sorry for the short chapter but the next one is going to be better!]

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