"You have no idea how long I've waited for you"

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Y/N: your name
H/N: his name

You walked into your 7th period Bio class and sat down in the back by yourself. You pulled out your notes and books and began reading. After a few minutes your boy bestfriend walked in a sat down next to you.

"Y/N" he said.

You sat down your pen and looked at him, "What?"

He hunched up closer to you in his chair, "What's up with you?"

You rolled your eyes and went back to taking notes. He groaned and snatched your pen from your hand.

"Answer me" he demanded.

"Nothing's wrong, I swear" you lied.

"No because you've quite literally been ignoring me since yesterday after you met Alyssa (His new gf)" he whisper yelled at you.

You took your pen from him and continued writing down pointless things to avoid this conversation, "whatever H/N"

He sighed and slumped back into his seat, not talking to you for the rest of the class period.

45  m i n u t e s   l a t e r:     (I wrote this part while listening to chase atlantic so.....)

The bell rang which meant you could go home now. You packed your things into your bag and started to walk out the door when H/N grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the building, into the student parking-lot, towards his car.

He approached his car and opened the door, "get in, now"

You didnt hesitate and climbed into his car, after you were in he slammed the door and walked around to the driver's side then got in.


"Shut the fuck up Y/N" he snapped while running his hand over his face.

You sulked into you seat, staring at him. He took his hand off of his face and hit the steering wheel then rested his head on the steering wheel.

"H/N... are you okay" you trembled.

"Y/N stop" he whispered.

You could hear his voice grow weak like he was going to cry or something. You took your hand and placed it on his forearm, you moved your hand up to his hand and pulled it off the steering wheel.

He looked at you like he didn't expect you to do anything, "what are you doing?" he asked.

You pulled yourself onto him, so that you were straddling him in the driver's seat. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and sunk into his chest.

He hesitated to say anything at first, "I- I miss this Y/N, the Y/N before Alyssa" he finally said.

"Don't say her name H/N" you whispered into his ear.

He nodded into your chest and wrapped his arms around your waist, after a long few minutes of silence he pulled you away from him,

"Where was this Y/N 45 minutes ago in Biology?" he asked.

"she was pissed off at you" you replied.

You reached over to the console and pulled out his phone, you unlocked it and opened the messages to Alyssa's name. You turned the phone to face H/N,

"should you or should I?" you said while looking at him.

He grabbed the phone from your hands and typed on it for about 4 minutes then you heard a "sent" sound and he threw the phone into his backseat.

"There, Alyssa is no more" he took a long pause, "I'd rather be with you anyways."

He pulled you in for a kiss then stopped, "Is this okay?" he asked, you nodded and he pressed his face to yours, into a delicate kiss.

You pushed against him deepening the kiss.

You pushed yourself away from his tempting taste, "You have no idea how long I've waited for you Y/N" he smiled.

"I have an idea because I've waited just as long for you, H/N"

He ran his hands up and down your back, staring at you.

"We should get home now H/N" you said checking the time on your phone.

"text your parents that we have a Bio assignment to finish at my house" He said.

You nodded and climbed back into the passenger seat

You sat your phone down in the console after a few seconds, "Okay let's go"

10   M i n u t e s   L a t e r:

You arrived at H/N's house.

He got out of the car and you started to get out when he ran over to your side,

"You have to let me open it" he groaned.

You laughed then got out of the car, closing the door behind you, "whatever"

"Don't say 'whatever' to me Y/N" he said while backing you against the car. You leaned into him and pecked him on the cheek, "whatever"

"Let's go before I do something I'll regret Y/N" he said angrily pulling you into the house.

You know the house very well because you spend more time here than your own house. You walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

H/N rounded the corner, "what are you doing?"

You groaned then shut the fridge, "Just because I'm your whatever now doesn't mean I can't act like I've been here before"

"My whatever?" he questioned.

You bit into an apple, "yeah whatever you call it"

He sighed then walked over to you, he took the apple from your hands, took a bite, then threw it away. He rested his hands on your shoulders,



"My clueless friend"


"After that moment in the car, I would say you're my"





Part 2?????? let me know, i love this one so much ahhhhhh :)))))

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