"Lying's not good"

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Y/N: your name
H/N: his name
B/N: brother's name

You were laying in your bed when you heard the front door open, following that the sounds of people laughing.

You got up from your bed and walked into the living room, "how loud can you guys be" you yelled at them.

It was your brother and his best friend.

"I'm trying to sleep" you continued yelling.

You stormed back into your room, slamming the door behind you. You laid back down in your bed.

A couple minutes passed maybe 10 and you heard the front door open then close, so you assumed that your brother's friend left.

You walked into the kitchen to see H/N standing at the fridge.

"Where is B/N?" You asked.

He turned around and didn't talk for a minute. He just stood there staring at you, looking you up and down.

"He- uh he went to go get some food" H/N finally replied.

You walked over to the kitchen barstools and sat down at one of them. H/N had turned back to face the inside of the fridge, so you were staring at him.

"Stop staring Y/N" he said, "I can feel it"

You blushed out of embarrassment as he closed the fridge and hoisted himself onto the counter next to you.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He questioned.

Before you could answer he grabbed a piece of your hair in his hand to look at it.

"You're really quite pretty" he smirked.

You face turned bright pink at his comment, you tried to his this by resting your hands over your cheeks.

H/N jumped off the counter and walked up to you. He placed his hands on either side of your chair.

"Do I make you nervous Y/N?" He whispered.

You leaned away from him, "What- No, absolutely not"

He moved his face closer to yours, "do you mind?"

You shook your head.

As you did he moved his lips closer to yours, only enough to brush his against yours. After that, he pulled away to gauge your reaction to his touch.

"Lying's not good Y/N" he smirked.

Part 2??????? Let me know besties <333

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