"I know shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it"

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Y/N: your name

H/N: his name

It was raining.

You walked into the 24-hour diner at 2:16am.

You sat down at a booth,

with him, your boy-bestfriend.

"Why did you want to see me right now" you whispered.

H/N was sitting with his hands interlocked together resting on the table

He looked up from his hands, "We need to talk.."

"About what?"

"Let me finish," he paused for a second looking at you, "About us. We need to talk about us."

Your face turned red out of embarassment, "Uhm okay. What about us?"

Just in that moment H/N got up from the booth and grabbed your hand, pulling you outside towards his car.


He opened the passenger-side door and said nothing, doing nothing, just standing there. After you got in he slammed the door and got into the driver's side. He shifted into reverse, backing out of the parking spot, shifting into drive and then pulling onto the empty roads. only lit by amber colored street lights.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

He increased the speed of the car, going 40 over the speed-limit.

You gripped onto the seatbelt, "H/N, what the fuck are you doing"

"Don't worry about it" he muttered.

He came to a red light and slowed down the car, making a complete stop at the light. He looked over at you clutching the seatbelt, and laughed to himself.

"Shut the fuck up" you snapped.

"There she is" he smirked, "You wanna talk now?"

You didn't anwer him with a "yes" or a nod or a "no", you just turned away from him towards the window.

"Alright then" he said as the light turned green.

A few minutes later he pulled into his neighborhood, then he placed his hand on your thigh, "called your mom around 6pm, told her you were gonna spend the night, she didn't seem to mind or even care."

You looked over at him, "You what?"

He groaned, "you. me. my house."

He pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, leaving the only sound of breathing. He got out and opened your door. He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the car, helping you inside.

"Be quiet" he whispered.

You both walked upstairs, he stopped at his brother's room, "ayo I'm back" he whispered to him.

"Where'd you go?" his brother asked.

You leaned into his room and waved your hand, mouthing a quiet 'hey'.

"Oh uhm, hi Y/N, I- uhm Hi"

You smiled awkwardly and walked down the hall to H/N's room, H/N followed you after whispering a few extra things to his brother. He walked in and closed the door.

"You know he likes you" he said.

"I mean.."

"But you're mine"

"what do you mean"

"You can't be bestfriends with me and then go and date my brother, so... yeah"

"But like what if I did"

"You won't Y/N, you won't ever"


"Shut up you dork" he laughed as he threw his hat at you.

He sat down at his desk and spun the chair around to you. You went and sat down on his bed. You reached over to his nightstand and turned the light off, leaving you both in the dark except for the light flashing from his TV.

He got up from the chair and walked over to the bed, he crawled across it and laid right next to you placing his arm around your back.

"what are you doing?" you said confused.

"Making moves bro" he smirked.

"Dont ever say 'bro' again" you laughed while making a digusted face.

"Got it" he paused as a wide grin grew across his face, "bro"

You quickly got up from the bed, shaking off your hands like something gross touched them, "nope. nope- we are- nope"

He grabbed your arm and pulled you back onto the bed, "you're not leaving... not yet"

"Listen Y/N..." he took a long breath, "Can we give this... like a shot?"

"You mean like us? together, like more than friends?"

"I know I shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it"

You sat there speechless, he finally did it, he finally told you he needed you, that he's always loved you.

"So?" he said nervously.

"Well I'm gonna need to see what you're brother's got to offer"

He sighed in relief, "Absolutely not. It's official you're mine now"

Little does he know I've always been his, always.

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