"I loved you first, I wanted you first"

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You're laying on your boyfriend's bed and he's been playing video games ever since you got there, paying no attention to you.

You turn off your phone, laying it down on the bed. You turn away from him and cover up. As soon as you cover up you hear your boyfriend set down his headset. He gets up and sits down next to you, he puts his hand on your shoulder, "Y/N?" You scoot away from him so he isn't touching you, "go away" you mumble. He pulls you closer to him, "What is it? tell me." You get up from the bed taking your hoodie with you, you go downstairs and lay on the couch.

A few minutes later you hear someone come down the stairs, "Go away H/N" you groan. "Uhm not him, it's H/N" you turn over to see you're boyfriend's older brother. "oh sorry" you say sitting up on the couch.

He walks over to the couch and sits next to you, keeping his distant, so you're not uncomfortable. He opens his mouth to say something, but then snaps it shut. "What is it?" you say after seeing him. He rubs the back of his neck before saying, "Why aren't you with him (Bf) upstairs?" you sigh, "he's being a dick. It's like he'll pay no attention to me, but as soon as I try to leave or sleep he gets all interested, asking me, 'what's wrong' and 'are you okay' like he actually cares, then i'll come down here and he won't come after me or anything" He turns towards you and quieting his voice as he hears someone coming downstairs, "It sounds to me like you should dump his ass" "What are you doing?" your boyfriend asks his brother. "Doing damage control because you can't" he snaps back. "What the hell do you mean? Y/N is fine" your boyfriend yells. "Is she because I don't think so, you are throwing away a loving girl each time you do this." his brother says agressively. "H/N..." you say to your boyfriend. "Y/N shut the fuck up for a second" he yells at you. "You see what I mean, you dont care about her, you want her for sex" his brother says with a disappointed look on his face. Your boyfriend doesn't say anything back, he justs looks down at the ground. You stand up from the couch and walk over to him, "is-is that true?" you say as your voice begins to break. "Y/N..." he starts. "You piece of shit" you say grabbing your bag and running out the front door, into the rain.

"leave it" His brother tells him.

His brother runs after you. You're unlocking your car, getting in and you see his brother. He runs up to the car and opens your door, he falls to his knees and pulls you out of the car, into his arms. You break down crying as he wraps his arms around you. '"It's okay Y/N" he whispers to you, "I promise, it's okay." He begins stroking your hair with his hand. You open your eyes and see your boyfriend standing at the door with a blank expression on his face. "H/N.." you say to his brother, "he's there" He turns around and sees his brother, "hang on" he tells you. He helps you back into the driver's seat, leaving the door open. He walks over to his brother, "I thought I told you to leave it. You're not making this any easier for her-" "and you are?" your boyfriend says. "This is different and you know it" His brother says pushing his finger against your boyfriend's chest. "Tell mom I'll be home later" His brother says. He walks back over to you, "hey i'll be right back okay? I'm going to go get your stuff." You nod your head, "keep the car door locked until I'm back" and with that he clicks the lock button and shuts the door. He storms pass his brother (your bf) and goes inside. Your boyfriend is standing there with his arms crossed, staring at you like he'd rather kill you than let his brother be your knight in shining armour. After another minute his brother comes back outside and rushes over to your car, you unlock the door and he grabs your arm helping you out, "I'll bring anything else I find of yours to you" He leads you over to the passenger side of your car and helps you in, "Do you have your keys" he asks. "They're in my bag" he nods and closes the door. He walks over to the driver's side and gets in, he picks up your bag, "Do you mind?" he asks. You shake your head and he starts going through each pocket looking for your keys, he pulls them out and starts the car. He doesn't pull out of the driveway, he sits there, with his hands on the wheel looking at you. "Do you need anything else?" he asks. "I need to leave this place and never come back." you say through a face full of tears. He shifts the car into reverse, pulls out of the driveway, and then shifts into drive. He places his hand on your arm to keep you from breaking down again. He leaves the neighborhood and gets onto the highway to take you home.

You both arrive at your house 15 minutes later. Your parents cars aren't in the driveway, which means they are still at work. H/N gets out of the car and helps you inside, up to your room.

You sit down on your bed, digging through your bag, "My phone, its not here" you say to him. "Oh here" he says pulling it out of his back pocket. "wait" you say before you take it, "Put your number in it please, just in case" He pulls the phone back and begins typing on it. He gives it back after a minute, you go through your contacts to see:

H/N <3

You let out a small smile, "Thank you"

He sits down at your desk and spins the chair towards you, "are you good now?" You look down at your lap shaking your head, "I think I got it wrong" you look back up at him. "What do you mean?" he asks. "Well out of the 1 year me and your brother were together, I've never felt more cared for and safe than I do right now, with you. I got it wrong." You say to him. A smile spreads across his face, and his cheeks turn pink, "I can't believe you just said that," he pauses letting his emotions grow, "You have no idea how long I've wanted you to come to your senses and break up with my brother" "wait- you-" He stands up from the chair and walks over to you pulling you up from the bed so you're looking directly at him, "I loved you first, I wanted you first, I have wanted you since the first time I saw you at school, I just took too long and you got into a toxic relationship, that I could've helped you avoid" he drew in a long breath, "I'll never forget how I felt the first time you came over and my brother said 'meet my girlfriend' I have beat myself up about it ever since then, and I'm sorry." You pulled him to your chest and wrapped your arms around his neck, "Thank you for saying that" you whispered. He hesitated at first, but then he wrapped his arms around your back, hugging you tightly, not intending on letting you go.

PART 2????????  with love, <33333

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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