The remodeling of the kingdom

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"It's a slow day today" the boy thought to himself while he wondered through his "soon" to be kingdom .... "I SHOULD REMODEL THE KINGDOM!" He practically shouted out loud he swiftly wiped around to see if any cookie had heard him he saw avocado & muscle cookie looking at him with a certain look on their faces .

not of displeasure but not quite satisfied it was kinda like the equivalent to ":0 but mixed with:/" but then avocado's facial expression stared to change before he could apologize she quickly said "OH THATS A GREAT IDEA!" Her face resembled ":D" at this point.

Muscle cookie shook his head in agreement
"You really think so!?" The boy asked excitedly
" yeah! This place is starting to get a little boring anyway" she said with a smile while crossing her arms

There was a moment of silence for custard cookie to process that to adults are fully on board with his ideas.

"So?, what's is gonna be boss man?" She said lowering herself to his hight muscle cookie did the same "I'm fully on board little man" he said with a smile. He was overwhelmed with excitement "OK! First we need to find out how big my- the kingdom is " he said with joy the two older cookie chuckled at his sudden change in word so they decided to humor the lad.

"I'm on it your majesty" avocado said causing the boy to get all fustered and cross his arms she laughed and went on her mary way.

"Soooo what you want me to do little man" muscle cookie said "hmmmmmm YOU CAN HELP ME COME UP WITH A DESIGN!!" Said the kid with stars in his eyes muscle cookie couldn't help but oblige and replied "Ok but we need to get the material stuff like-" he was suddenly cut off "DRAWING STUFF!" The small king said jumping up and down .

     Muscle cookie chuckled and sighed "yeah little man, you know where you could get that stuff?" He questioned "I'm sure pancake cookie wouldn't mind if I borrowed his crayons" he said happily.

     "I'll go get us a table to sit at with some food ok" he said patting him on the head "and get some of the planing stuff myself" he mumbled

    "What as that?" The boy said looking at him "Oh nothing" muscle cookie smiled.

     "OK! IM OFF SEE YOU LATER!!!" He yelled waving his scepter goodbye.

"BYE" muscle cookie yelled back.

"OH THIS GOING TO BE SO FUN!" custard cookie said on his way to pancake cookies house .

~time skip~

    custard cookie is finally there he knocks a total of 5 times in their "super secret knock for important things".  "HELLO" Pancake cookie yelled. "HI!" He yelled back with a smile "sooo why have you come over?" pancake cookie said curiosity lingered in his words.
  "I need crayons ! And paper like big paper" custard cookie said! "ON IT!" Pancake cookie said saluting him then swiftly running off.

— 7 minutes later —

   "PANCAKE COOKIE! DO YOU HAVE IT YET!?" Custard cookie yelled into the house to be quickly responded with the boy almost falling down the stairs because of how fast he was running down "SORRY I TOOK SO LONG I GOT DISTRACTED" he said out of breath "HERE YOU GO!" He said as he placed his things in the other boys hands.

"THANK YOU!" He yelled as he ran to the plaza "NO PROBLEM" pancake yelled back waving.

"MUSCLE COOKIE!" "I HAVE THE STUFF!" Custard cookie yelled in search of the big guy. "HEY LITTLE MAN OVER HERE" muscle cookie yelled louder than the boy.

Custard cookie quickly shuffled over to where he sat with avocado cookie "HUH YOUR DONE ALREADY!?" Custard cookie said shocked as he sat down and put his things on the clear part of the table "hey what can I say , she's got on hell of a work ethic" muscle cookie laughed as well as avocado cookie " OK READY TO START" custard cookie said almost standing on his chair at this point. "We're ready"

— 2 hours later—

"hey little man what do you think?" muscle cookie said turning towards the "little man" "
oh!" he exclaimed "hmm" avocado cookie said as she looked up "HA, he fell asleep-" she said before she was cut off.
"AWWW HE MADE LIST OF THINGS HE WANTS IN THE KINGDOM :D" "AND PICTURES!" muscle cookie said happily "we gotta add these man"
"Fine" avocado cookie said " I'll get him home and you'll finish the design or whatever you call it" she said picking the boy up and put him over her shoulder "deal" the big man replied

  "AWWW HE MADE LIST OF THINGS HE WANTS IN THE KINGDOM :D" "AND PICTURES!" muscle cookie said happily "we gotta add these man"   "Fine" avocado cookie said " I'll get him home and you'll finish the design or whatever you call it" she said picking ...

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the next chapter is a part two
Sorry if part 2 is taking longer than expected

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