Chapter Thirty Four

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"Dijun, Dihou, Magistrate Ilraba of the Ghost Clan would like to request for a private audience with both of you if it is convenient."  Chonglin said.  Xiao Bai, who was peeling some kumquat fruits that she was feeding to Donghua, looked up in surprise.

"They're still here?  I thought they left already yesterday after the pact was signed?" she said knowing that most of the parties to the agreement had left immediately.  The Demon Clan were especially eager to leave afraid that they might accidentally encounter Donghua Dijun if they stayed longer.

"Most of the Ghost Clan had left already, however, Magistrate Ilraba is scheduled to leave this afternoon as he still has to finalize some more minor items in the agreement with Lord Yan Chiwu.  He is outside the villa right now asking if he can make a formal farewell before he has to leave."

"Um..I guess so.  It is okay with you Dijun?"  Donghua nodded at Chonglin.  Xiao Bai cleared the table of the fruits and took a seat beside Dijun who was seated on a divan reading a scroll.

"Magistrate Ilraba and his companions greet Donghua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu Dihou."  Master Ilraba said when he came in making the customary greetings, his two companions did the same thing.  

"It's nice to see you again in a less tense atmosphere, Magistrate." Xiao Bai said smiling warmly at him.  During the negotiations between the Clans, Xiao Bai had met the Magistrate a few times and found him to be a decent man that really cared about his people.  Although they did not speak a lot to each other during those negotiations, judging from the issues he raised and the solutions he proposed, she knew that he was every bit as formidable as the General.  It seems that the General had left his people in good hands.

"Likewise, your Highness."  the Magistrate said as he took a quick glance at the expressionless Deity sitting next to the Fox Queen who was looking at him.  He's never seen the Supreme God of the Universe prior to the meeting yesterday with the Demon Clan and he was feeling a bit unnerved.  In contrast to the warmth that exuded from the Fox Queen, Donghua Dijun looked forbidding.  He finally understood what General AnHuier was saying so many years ago when he was trying to explain to him about the aura exuded by the God. It took all he had not to shrink in fear.

"Are you ready to leave already?  I know that you have so many things to do when you get back.  Are your people being freed already?  That should have been done as soon as the blood pact was made right?"  He could hear the concern in her voice.  Whenever she had attended the negotiations, the thing he noticed about her the most was her kindness.  In one of the rare conversation he had with her, she had told him not to worry and that the important thing was to get his people out.  As long as they do not lose sight of their ultimate goal, everything will fall into place.  He's never met anyone as compassionate as her, so caring about people she did not even know.  Belonging to a clan who were always looked down upon by the other immortals, he had never met anyone who treated them as equals, the way she did.  No wonder the General had refused to take her blood and taint it with impurities.

"Yes, my people are being freed across the Demon Lands and being allowed safe passage back to our lands.  Your Highness, I would like to extend the deepest gratitude of our people for your help and all you did for us. This day would not have happened without you."  After saying this, the Magistrate and his two companions immediately kneeled down in gratitude, bowing their heads to the floor.  

"Magistrate, I accept your gratitude but please stand up.  Especially Nuna (an endearing term used for old ladies by the younger generation who are not related to them) she should not  be kneeling and bowing on the floor."  Xiao Bai had gotten out of the divan and was about to help the old lady that was with the Magistrate when Chonglin immediately assisted her seeing the alarm on Dijun's eyes when Dihou was about to bend down.  Xiao Bai went back to her seat when she saw that all three Ghost were getting to their feet.

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