Chapter Forty Eight

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"Mo Yuan greets Donghua Dijun" The High God of War said as he entered the study of Dijun in Tai Chen Palace.

"Su Lin Qi of the Western Sea greets Donghua Dijun." The old grey haired envoy of the Western Sea said doing the customary gesture of greetings as he entered after Mo Yuan.  "It's very nice to see you again after such a long time Dijun."   Su Lin Qi was someone very familiar to Donghua.  When he was still unifying the Universe, Lord Su was one of his Generals on the Western front working directly under him.  Although they rarely saw each other face to face at that time as they fought on different fronts, on the rare occasions that they did, Donghua had always been struck by his intelligence and keen insight.  He had been one of the few Generals that Donghua had trusted to keep his plans in place without the need of constant supervision, thus, he was one of those rare individuals who had Donghua's deepest admiration.  After Donghua had ascended the throne, General Su had been one of his key people in establishing peace across the Realms after thousands of years of strife, as such, they had been able to form a friendship with each other.  He had not seen him in years as Donghua knew that he had retired thousands of years back but it did not surprise him that Lord Su had come out of retirement for something as important as this knowing the kind of person he was.

"Lord Su, High God Mo Yuan"  Donghua said inclining his head as he gestured for them to take the seats in front of him.  "Yes, it's been a long time, old friend." Lord Su looked slightly surprise at the warmth he could hear in Dijun's voice, rarely ever having heard a trace of emotion in his voice.  

"Dijun, I have to say that I wish we were meeting again under better circumstances." Lord Su said.  This was the first time he had seen Dijun in 300,000 years and he looked different somewhat.  He couldn't quite put his finger on what was different with him but he shrugged this thought away since he knew people changed and it had been a long time since he's seen him.  After he had retired, Lord Su rarely if ever ventured outside of his estate that could be found in an obscure part of the Western Sea preferring to spend his days farming and tilling his land. He never married preferring a life of solitude so he had kept to himself most of the time.  As such, he wasn't as up to date as the others on what was happening in the Realms.  "A belated congratulations on your marriage Dijun, I had the pleasure of meeting your lovely Dihou when I was in Qingqiu last spring. I was even able to catch a glimpse of your children." he continued.  When the King of the Western Sea had asked for his assistance in the investigation over the vanishing Immortals, he had been disinclined at first to come out of retirement and take the helm, however, he was a person with a deep sense of duty and he knew that this was something that he could help with.  Not knowing that Dijun had gone into seclusion, he had requested a meeting with him in Qingqiu, his last reported location but instead of meeting with him, it was the young Dihou that he had met instead.  

"Yes, my wife did mention meeting you.  She said you told her a lot of stories about the ancient wars.  She's always been fascinated by that. You'll probably be able to see her later as she's here in Tai Chen Palace with me."  Donghua said, a small, almost imperceptible smile gracing his lips when he mentioned his wife, a smile that the observant Lord Su did not miss.   When he heard the surprising news that Dijun had married given that he was millions of years old and was not expected to marry at all, he had assumed, at first, that the match had been political in nature as Qingqiu is a very important Kingdom in the Immortal Realms.  However, with the Crown Prince Ye Hua marrying the former Queen of Qingqiu, it seemed unlikely that they needed another marriage to further the alliance between the Sky Kingdom and the Fox Kingdom.  He wondered, then, if it had been a love match, which frankly sounded much more incredulous than a political match given what he knew of Donghua Dijun.  Like him, he thought that Dijun would remain a bachelor for life, but now, he was actually married and had children.  When the Queen of Qingqiu had asked for a meeting in place of Dijun, he only took the meeting with the intention of paying a courtesy call on the wife of his former Commander.  He had been curious about her but did not really expect for anything substantial to come out of the meeting.  However, after having met her, he came away impressed by her intelligence and graciousness.  

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