Pump Meets Litten

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As it was time to get out of school, Pump got home and began doing his endless amount of chores while feeling exhausted, but he kept going because he knew that if he didn't finish his chores, he would just get whipped by his mother again. Pump's mom had to go somewhere and she told him to finish all his chores by the time she got back, OR ELSE!!!!!!

Gulping over the threat, he got to work pronto, but he fell asleep for an hour until something was on his head, touching him with it's paw. At first when Pump woke up, he thought that it was Chocolate.

Pump: Ugh. Chocolate, please get off of my head. I'm getting up now. [He then heard more barking. He looked to see Chocolate barking at what was on Pump's head, which jumped off him and climbed up into a tree] Chocolate? If you're right there, then what was on top of my head? [Chocolate ran to where the creature ran to and Pump decided to follow him to a tree, where Chocolate started growling]  The creature went up there? [Chocolate nodded] Well don't attack it until we know what it is. [Pump approached the tree to see the creature was some kind of red cat, which surprised him]

Litten: Lit! Litten litten, lit lit lit lit lit! [Hi! I'm abandoned, and I need a home!] [As Pump got closer, Litten accidently fell out of the tree and crashed into Pump, causing both of them to fall onto the ground, as a pokeball from Pump's bag popped out and bumped Litten's head, sucking in the pokemon before falling to the ground as Pump got up]

Pump: What was that all about? [He noticed the pokeball shaking a bit, rocking side to side with the button in the middle flashing red and white repeatly before and a click noise was heard] D-did that animal enter my pokeball? [He then remembered all he knew about pokemon, like capturing them in pokeballs] That was no ordinary red cat. It was some kind of pokemon! [He grabbed the pokeball and summoned the Litten back out. The Litten looked at Pump and smiled]

Litten: Lit, lit litten lit lit lit litten lit, lit lit lit! [Well, that was one way to capture me, but oh well!] [Pump picked him up and hugged him as Chocolate watched and worried about what Pump's mom would say about the creature]

Pump: Awww! You're so cute! Nice to meet you, uh, Litten right? Do all pokemon say their names when they speak? [Litten nodded as Pump snuggled with him] Well don't worry about a thing! I know that we're gonna be very good friends! I'm Pump by the way! [Litten snuggled Pump back as Chocolate looked jealous before Pump began petting him] Don't worry, Chocolate, Litten won't replace you as the best pet ever. [Chocolate wagged his tail happily] Well, I should finish my chores.

Pump got back to work until he finished, though it was a bit easier with Litten's help. Pump got a text from Karen, telling him that she would be home in four hours and to not eat dinner that night as part of his punishment, which gave Pump an idea of what to do until she got home.

Pump: Four hours is enough time to go hang out with Pico and Marine! [Chocolate gave Pump an unsure look] Don't worry, boy, I'll be back before my mom gets home. [He turned to Litten] Now Litten, I'm gonna take you to my room. I need you to hide when my mom gets back just in case she doesn't like pokemon either.

Litten: Lit litten, lit! [No problem, Pump] [Pump then carried Litten into the house and into his bedroom, setting Litten down before texting Pico and Marine to meet him at the park]

Pump: Alright, I'll get to spend two hours with Pico and Marine, and then I'll come right back. Hopefully nothing bad happens once I return. [He left his house, heading down the road, leaving a worried Chocolate and a curious Litten behind]

Spooky Month belongs to Sr Pelo

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, Gamefreaks, and Creatures

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