Diving Into The Heart

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It was bedtime, and poor Pump, whipped for a crime he didn't even commit was now sleeping sadly in his bedroom, knowing he would have an awful morning of chores to do before starting his first day of school. Part of him was scared because his mother hated creatures such as mobians and pokemon. But another part of him was excited to see what the fuss was all about these creatures. Pump didn't hate these creatures because his mom never told him the exact reason why she hates them. As Pump rested, he woke up in a place that scared him a little. It was dark almost everywhere. Below him was a stained glass floor, which had his body on it, looking like he was sleeping.

Pump: Where am I? This is not spooky, itsa scary. [Just then, he heard a voice]

??????: Don't panic, little one. You're inside your heart. This is the place where you're connected with those close to you.

Pump: Really? Well, who are you?

???????: Save those questions until we meet tomorrow.

Pump: Okay? [Looks at the stained glass and was confused to see a brown female raccoon, a ginger, a yellow mouse looking creature, a pink hedgehog, a blue person with blonde hair in a manbun, a blue haired girl, and a strawberry blonde haired boy] Who are these guys? I know Pico, but I've never met the rest. That's for sure.

???? ????: Not yet you haven't, but these creatures will be part of your life for now on as your connection towards your heart.

Pump: But why do they wanna be my friends? Everyone thinks I started a housefire!

???? ????: Oh don't be sad. We promise you, this journey of yours will clear your name and follow in your father's footsteps.

Pump: My father?

???? ??????: Yesiree!

???? ???: We'll explain everything when we meet again. Right now, here's something that you can use on your adventure... [Just then, light flashed on Pump's hands and a kind of sword shaped like a key appeared in his hands]

Pump: What's this? [Just then, a door appeared out of nowhere

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Pump: What's this? [Just then, a door appeared out of nowhere. While hesitant at first, he rushed over towards it and opened it. Suddenly, the stained glass changed to a picture of Sonic] Sonic?

???? ???????: Yes. The poor blue hedgehog perished unfairly along with four other victims.

Pump: [Confused] If he died, how come his heart is still fine?

??????: We too will explain that when we meet and any other questions you might have the next night. [Suddenly, Pump was teleported into another stained glass. This time of Starlight Glimmer]

Pump: [Annoyed] Starlight Glimmer?! That See Cre Tum freak?!

???????: She and you are so similair. Being unfairly punished for something you didn't do. [This shocked Pump as he felt that Starlight might not be See Cre Tum like he wasn't an arson. before he could think about it, he was teleported to another stained glass of Skid]

Pump: Skid?! My best friend?!

???? ????: He's one of the five victims. These five are connected to you in a special way. Along with them are three others who died in the past. Now then, allow us to teach you how to use that keyblade you are now wielding. Here's your enemies. [Just then, five dark creatures appeared, scaring Pump]

???? ????: These are called heartlesses. They used to be humans that fell into darkness and transformed into creatures who feast on hearts. That keyblade you are wielding is the only weapon that can kill them permanently while a normal weapon only makes them go away for a while. Use that weapon to kill these creatures. [Pump heard every word, but didn't think long enough as the heartlesses all tried to jump  on him. He quickly dodged the attack by retaliating with the keyblade, killing the five with just one swing. 

???? ??????: Good work! Now move on upwards! [Just then, stained glass appeared as stairs. Pump ran on up towards them to a stained glass of Rainbow]

Pump: Where did those heartlesses come from?

???? ???: They came from the realm of darkness, where they are more stronger. The door to Kingdom Hearts is opened and this entire world will be destroyed if that door is. It must be close before they appear again. Now then, here's a shield and a magic wand. These here will be given to two you can trust completely. We will help you in any way we can.

Pump: Huh? [Just then, another stained glass of stairs appeared, making Pump decide to just rush on up. This time, to a stained glass of The Girlfriend]

???? ???????: Now listen here, Pump. Your new friends will stick by your side. [A backpack appears, holding a notebook and six empty pokeballs] Pokemon now live on your land. Our enemies, the Ancient Syndicate and Bully Squad have pokemon by their side that creates a sheild that protects the owner. You must defeat the pokemon with yours. Then your keyblade can hurt them. Now, here's a final test of your skills. [Then a large darkness ball appeared before turning into a giant heartless]

??????: Now stay calm, and remember, you're the only one who can close the door and open the Door to Light.

Pump: Open the Door to Light? [Taking a deep breath, he charged at the creature, striking it's arm as it tried to hit him. But with Pump's speed and size, it couldn't land a hit on him as he swung the keyblade on it's other arm a few times before it started to launch Balls of Darkness at him. Luckly, he blocked them with the keyblade before running up it's arm and at it's face, striking it a few times before delivering a final blow, destroying the heartless as the whole area lit up, meaning that Pump was waking up himself. As he woke up, he remembered those words. "You're the only one who will open the Door to Light."]

Spooky Month belongs to Sr Pelo.

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix and Disney.

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