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"You all saw...this must mean that there could be a relation. Though I can't recall it...I apologize..."

"No need to do so. Let's inquire others about it and if they have seen it as well then let's put it as a list of possibilities."

"That sounds satisfactory."

"However...why is it you all are so eager to discover the answers? Is it because it could be some clue to going back? If that's so, then no thank you. I'd rather stay here. If being honest, aren't we all enjoying such a luxurious life here? This should be considered a blessing, a once in a lifetime of opportunity."

Rhea glared at Rastos's remarks. Luxurious? Ha, what a joke. She is the one who has suffered the most. Gritting her teeth, she retorts,

"Is that so, your highness? It must be quite enjoyable, living your life as the Crown Prince of this Empire. Why don't you then try marrying an ugly, terrible stranger to pay off your debt? Oh, or you could get into a contract marriage with a harsh, ignorant stranger and then after his death, live in misery and struggle to survive?"

"Hey! I'm not harsh or ignorant!"

Argus commented instantly while Rastos averted his gaze apologetically,

"I apologize. I didn't mean that. There are hardships, I acknowledge that."

"Oh no, how could you? You have no debt to repay. No one is forcing you. You're independent and wealthy. Enjoy your life, please do."

"Okay okay fine. I get it. I take back my wordings. I apologize."

"By the way.....this reminds me, your it okay for you to be stalking two girls when tomorrow the foreign envoy is going to arrive?"

Argus turns to Rastos, coldly, while deliberately addressing him from his title to make him attentive and serious.

"What do you mean stalking? I am not some creep. I have respect and dignity and self-honor."

"Yeah which is only because of your title. Otherwise......"

Argus lowers his gaze, thinking if he should utter the following words or not.

"Don't talk bad about my character."

"I didn't. Besides what good is there for even to talk about?"

Argus shrugs. He always teases the Prince like this since he is easy to be teased at. And this way, he can take out all his stress, to relieve himself from carrying out all the overburdened tasks that were initially supposed to be Rastos's duty.

".....I'll forward you a list later on with all my outstanding characteristics. You can memorize them word to word and then chant away, the words loaded of my praise."

"If you're done with your delusions, go home and look over all the guests coming tomorrow. Memorise their names, backgrounds, and current standings. I'm certain you didn't do it before."

"How did you find out?"

"I left the papers on the side table of your office about two weeks ago. They are still there, untouched."


Rastos averts his eyes, full of guilt. He chuckles nervously and adds,

"Are you sure it's there?"

"I am as sure as I am convinced that you are stupid."

"Fine. I'll read them. But I'm saying this before, I will not agree to the political marriage."

"Yeah yeah. Say that to the King one day instead of complaining to me."

"Whatever. I will refer to those documents, however, the main question is....have you read those papers or not?"

He arches his brows, feeling smart at answering back with a question. Argus mentally slapped his face. Rolling his eyes, he pinches and pulls Rastos's ears as if it was a daily part of his routine and he dully retorted,

"Even though I did go over them, you should know it's more important for you to learn all this since it's your marriage envoy."

"Ow ow...!"

Rastos yelps in pain while trying to free himself from Argus's grip on his ear.

"I will read them! I will read them!"

Only after hearing him give in, Argus lets go as he instantly moves away from him.

The two girls had been watching the two guys act like this for a while now. Seeing them, Rastos became embarrassed. He had been maintaining his image as a Crown Prince leaving a few close people who know his true self. He nervously chuckled,

"Please overlook our behavior. I hope it's not too deafening for you."

"Oh no. Not at all. By all means, continue."

"While you're at it, get us some popcorns before continuing."

They both hold in their laughter but promptly gave up as a few giggles escaped their lips.

From the other side of the room, they could hear another person secretly snickering.

Rastos turns and glares at Argus, who in turn clears his throat and straightens his face.

"Shall we take our leave now?"

"Oh, you can go ahead if you want. I'll go back later on."

"Your highness, you are going back right now."

Argus coldly remarks

"That.....I don't want to....I just found out people like us other than you and I want to talk to them."

"You said you weren't interested."

"Oh know past is history so let it go."

"Sure. Now let's go back."

"I don't want to! I'll stay here!"

"We will kick you out if you stay here."

Rhea remarks, with Lydia nodding in agreement

"How rude! Is that how you serve your guest? Or better yet, is that how you attend to the Crown Prince of this Kingdom?"

"Of course. It's all for the Empire after all."


He muttered under his breath.

"Let us go then. You are coming with me back to the palace and won't get any break until you finish reading those papers."

Argus starts hauling the Prince by his ear as he constantly yells in pain.

He stops for a brief moment to nod goodbye to the two ladies and then turning to Rhea adds,

"I'll see you tomorrow."

And then takes his leave with the Prince waving bye to them.

"Wow, that Prince is sure a unique character..."

"Yeah. That aside, what's tomorrow? Why are you meeting him?"

"Argus said he needs some help with spying work. I promised to help him before and seeing all that he did for us, it's the least I could do for him."

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