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The next morning, Rhea visited Argus's mansion quite early to prepare for the said spying mission. She did not know many details except that she would have to attend the Royal Ball held tonight to welcome the envoy from the Kingdom of Elysian that included the eldest Princess Calista and a few other official nobles.

Princess Calista's role in the novel was quite a miserable one according to what Rhea thought. Since the Elysian Kingdom was not that rich and was in dire need of help, for them the Princess needed to get married to the Crown Prince. Because of this, this envoy is on top of that like a marriage proposal. Everyone knows of it. However, in the book the Prince refuses because of his love for Rhea which builds up the pressure on the poor Princess to convince him. Since that fails, she then turns to bully and remove Rhea from her path. Which equally fails terribly.

For now, since the story has diverted a lot. There won't be any problems. And she was hoping to become friends with the Princess.

Currently, she sat in front of Argus in one of the lavish formal sitting areas. She had witnessed this before during her stay over here, however, it was a mere glance through the quarter-open door and she failed to get a proper look at it. But now she sat, observing each and every detail from the corner of her eyes, thinking about how cozy and beautiful this room was. The interior was quite ordinary compared to the exterior walls of this room, however, it matches the theme of the rest of the house perfectly.

On the table between them were all kinds of desserts and pastries that she couldn't even count or name.

"Do you comprehend what you have to achieve?"

"Of course. You want me to find the white gem."

"That's exactly what I don't want you to do."

"Oh, but you told me to find out the current gossips and inform you of any families who are acting prouder than their standing? Isn't that to find out who has the white gem?"

"Yes, it is. But it's different from actually finding one. You indicate the location, while we will do the action of getting it."

"If I stumble upon the white gem at the party, then should I follow it?"

"No. Just tell me. I'll take care of it. It'll be too risky."

"Don't think so little of me. I took care of those drunkards you know."

"Who were barely conscious. You don't know how to fight, do you? Ever held a sword? A gun?"

" hard can it be?"

"Don't. If you're going to be like this, then you don't even have to gather information. I'll seek some other way."

"Hey! I said I can do this and I will do this."

"Fine but promise you'll put your safety above the job, okay?"

"All right.....I'll see...."

"Don't see. Promise?"

"Fine. I promise."


"...the Princess is also gonna be there, right?"

"Definitely. However, she will be with the rest of the Main Royals so we will only give them a courtesy greeting."

"Oh but I want to talk to her more. I can't wait to meet her! After all, she is my favorite character in the book. At least she did something, made an effort to do something for herself and her Kingdom even if it was evil doings. Moreover, her beauty is said to be unreal. Smooth, glowing chocolate skin with huge diamond eyes and pupils of the color of dark coffee that were deep...."

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