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     Kimberly Smith's were glued to a book as she laid idly in her bed. She groaned, getting frustrated with re-reading the same paragraph over and over again. She had school the next morning and had an essay on this book coming up within the week.

     But, she couldn't concentrate. Her thoughts wondered anywhere but the book she was supposed to be reading for school. She sighed, slamming the book closed and tossing it onto her arm chair next to the window. But when she did, she nearly had a heart attack.

     A face was staring at her though the glass, a goofy look on it's face. Luckily, it was a face she recognized. She grimaced, standing up to open her window for the boy.

     The cocky smile didn't leave his face as he peered over her windowsill. "I scared you." He said smugly, falling onto the girls bed. "Stu, what did I say about doing that?" She recited, picking up a pillow from her bedframe and tossing it at her friend's face.

     "Oh, come on. I was just messing around. " He whined, picking up the pillow and holding it to his chest. "You seem a little stressed out, tonight. What's wrong?" Kim let herself smile, flinging herself onto the bed next to him and laying on her back.

     "An essay due on Friday. I haven't even started yet." She reached over, tossing the book at him so he could see. "Well, don't fret. Let's go to the library now and I can help you study." Kimberly snorted, sitting up on her hands. "Stu Macher help me with homework? Is hell still on fire?"

    Stu's eyes rolled back. "Aw, come on, Kimmy. You wouldn't wanna be cramped up in this tiny room, you'll never be able to focus in here. Let's go!" He bounced up, grabbing her backpack and stuffing her book into it.

      He then turned to leap back out the window, but stopped, pointing at the jacket laying in her arm chair. "Do you need a sweater, or you'll be fine?" Kim's eyes squinted at him. "Stu, just go." She laughed, pushing him out the window and then following him down.

     The two walked along the deserted street, all the way into town and to a tall brick building near the police station. "M'lady first." Stu nodded, pulling the door open for the girl. Kim laughed, stepping inside.

     Soon, they were sat in a desk in the far back of the library, books and notebooks sprung out around their table top. And, after a few minutes, Stu's hand's were cupped to his cheek, leaning on the desk. "This is boring. I'm bored."

     Kim's head snapped over at him. "This was your idea!" Stu's hand's dropped onto the table, about to reply with some sort of snarky comment, but he noticed the librarian trudging over to the table.

     "Excuse me, Kimberly?" The elderly woman asked, holding a landline phone out to her. Kim's brown dipped. "That's me." She mumbled, peering down at the phone as if it was a bomb.

     "You have a call."

     Kim didn't dare ask any other questions as she stood up, inching a few feet away from the table and putting the phone to her ear. "Uh, hello?"

     "Hello, Kimmy."

     Her lips parted. How would anyone have known she was at the library tonight? "Who is this?" She asked. She felt her heart beat speed up a bit.

     "That's not important. What's important is you."

     Kim let out an unintentional gulp. "I'm sorry?" She asked, the phone shaking at her finger tips.

     "You heard me. You're the star of the show. It's all about you, right?"

     Her bottom lip trembled. "Billy?" She asked, hopefully. This was a prank. Billy and his slasher movies. He's just kidding around. "Uh, uh." The mystery voice hummed, making Kim turn back around to face the desk. Her mouth dropped, finding the seat where Stu once sat now empty.

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