Chapter 6: Mixed Up

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Y/N pov:
Today I meet my friends Rona, Jenny and Seok-Kyung. I told the everything that happened at the concert but they were just as confused as I was. There isn't even a change to find out who my soulmate is very fast. Maybe it was a fan and the person isn't living in Seoul or in Korea? I want to find you my soulmate. My friends said that they will look at Felix left wrist in every new video since the concert. They are the best friends I have ever had. I have met Rona and Jenny in our first year of high school, they were so nice. She met Seok-kyun in the last year of high school and then we were like the four un-destroy-able gang in high school. The high school days were fun. The three of them live in a penthouse together. They don't live far away and that is nice. We meet often. They are soooooooooo much fun. We might seem abit crazy and we are.

Today Straykids posted a Twitter message. They said they are going to have a two weeks break because of the hard work for the concert and for their last album. They may do some video blogs but they aren't sure yet. I can totally understand them they had a lot of recording, shootings and dancing to do for their album. They earn at least one break for their hard work.

3rd person pov:
After a long talk about going on vacation or not Straykids decided to stay in Korea. They decided to drive to Busan by car. They are going to drive for like 5 hours. When they are at Busan their hotel is near the beach. They can go everytime to the beach if they want. They will stay at Busan for one week and then they will drive back. They hope that the fans won't find out that their in Busan or even in wich hotel they are. They want to have some privacy and they are going to film a few videos wich they will upload when they are back in Seoul.
Fans on Twitter supported them when they said they will take two weeks off. A lot of Fans wrote some thing like ’Take care‘ or ‘Straykids get their deserved break' or ‘Stay healthy we all love you‘.

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