Chapter 17: A year can change everything

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1 year later:
It is December 25th. Today me and Felix woke up all alone. It was quiet in the house. They looked at each other and stepped out of their bed. We tip toed downstairs and no one was there.  
"Hi? Chan, Han, anyone?", Felix screamed and asked. No answer. Then the house door opened and Chan came in. He saw us and sighted.
"Okay, good you are already awake. JYP wants to meet you both.", he said while heavily breathing.
"Today, now?!", I asked. Chan nodded. I hurried upstairs I need to get ready. I jumped in the shower and wore something good looking. As I came back downstairs Felix also looks prepaired.
"Okay lets go.", I said. We went to walk there. When we stood infront of JYPs office I was nervous. Why would he call us here together I thought. Then we went inside.
"Hello.", we both said and bowed.
"Sit down.", JYP said. We sat down and there was a short, akward silenc.
"So since this year was very succesful for the both of you I think we can make it official that you are soulmates. I thought we could do it on new years day. It would be better if we as a company announce it than dispatch gets to know it. After that you can be shown in vlogs, vlives and on instagram with selfies.", JYP explained. Felix and I looked at each other. We both were happy.
"Yeah it would be great.", Felix said and I nodded.
"Then that it is. We will announce it at midnight and you can start uploading selfies on instagram at the first day. And slowly start to be shown in vlogs and sometimes on a vlive.", JYP said.
"Yeah this would be great.", I said.
"Then it is settled.", JYP said. We stood up and bowed. When we left the room I started hugging Felix and I gave him a kiss.  

Let's look how the pulic will react to it. 

Double update. Yeah~♡

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