Chapter 13: Actress?

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Han pov:
It was a relaxed day as suddenly JYP came to our dorm to our dorm. Felix and his Soulmate were upstairs and I was the one who should get them. I went uptairs and knocked on the door of Felix room. After I heard a few movements Felix opened the door. „I don't want to disturb you by whatever you to were doing but JYP is sitting in our livingroom and he wants to talk with all of us plus your soulmate. Come down fast!", I said an went back downstairs.

3rd person pov:
Felix and Y/N came downstairs and they sat at the table. It was silent.
„I think we should have a talk about your soulmate.", JYP said. Felix threw a short worried look at Y/N and she took Felix hand.
„So at first I am glad that you found your Soulmate. But what is now?", JYP said, „It would be the best for her and you if your relation ship stays a secret because it is better for the safety of her. That also means that she shouldn't be seen anywhere near Felix or Straykids. In videos and Vlogs there shouldn't be any sign that Felix is having a soulmate."
All of them nicked.
„Of course", Felix said.
„I also have an Idea. As I saw Y/Ns body earlier, she looked like she is a model or something. Maybe she could get an actress under the entertainment? I also could get her some roles at some dramas very fast. Because it would also be better if Felix wouldn't be dating a normal person because it would be bad for the way people look at Felix and at Straykids.", JYP said.
Y/N was thinking. „Actually I really like this Idea.", she said.
„If that is so then I will meet you at my office tomorrow while the boys have their practise tommorow. Chan is going to come with her.", JYP said. He then stood up and went outside.

Y/N pov:
Felix and I went upstairs after we had a fantastic home cooked dinner. Chan is a good at cooking. We layed in his bed and I had a lot of thoughts on my mind. I was very nervous because of tomorrow. I didn't said it but it actually was my childhood dream to become an Actress.
I was laying next to Felix who was already in a deep slumber. While I was deep in thoughts. JYP thinks of me as a good actress? I mean it is the JYP. If he says so...
I fell asleep while being stuck in my thoughts.

Next morning:
I woke up thanks to Chan storming into Felix's room.
"Y/N you need to wake up and wash up. We are meeting JYP today."
I opened my eyes and sat up.
"When do we have to be there?", I asked still half asleep.
"In an hour. You have fourty minutes to get ready.", he answered.
I jumped out of the bed grabbed the clothes I put out yesterday and ran straight to the bathroom.
"Thanks Chan.", I said while passing him.
I took a shower, dried my hair and put it into a fine looking creature. I took a look in the mirror at my outfit. It looks good. I went downstairs to see Minsung arguing.
"You need to sit straight Jisung. You are going to have problems with your back when you are old.", Minho said in a caring tone.
"I sit as Gay as I want.", Jisung said back. That was a ship moment. I don't know if Minho and Jisung know how much stays ship the both.
"We need to go now Y/N. Are you ready?", Chan came to me.
"Yup more then ready!", I answered.
"Have fun my baby.", Felix popped out from no where. He kissed my cheek.
"I don't know if meeting JYP is fun but thanks.", I answered.
"Then Good Luck.", he kissed my cheek once again and was gone.

Infront of JYP'S office:
I was nervous. Chan seemed to notice it.
"You don't need to be nervous.", he said.
"Well I am.", I answered. Chan knocked on the door and we stepped in.
"Good morning you two!", JYP said.
"Good morning you too!", we greeted back. As we sat down Chan whispered something like he is in good mood, no need to worry. But I am not sure.
"So did you thought about my offer Y/N?", JYP asked while looking at me.
"Yeah I did and I would take it.", I answered.
"That is great!", he said and smiled, "So at first you need to tell me some things about you. Like age, nationality,  experience and some kind of dramas you prefer."
"I am 20 years old. I am half Korean half (your country). I haven't acted before but I always wanted to be an actress. I like dramas like Hotel del Luna, The penthouse, Sell your haunted house, Tempted, Imitation, True beauty I like different styles but I don't know wich drama kind whould e good to play for me. But I don't think I am good at Romance dramas because I need some action.", I said. Feeling relieved as I was done talking.
"I see. So you will get acting lessons when straykids are having dance practice. I will give you a month of training lessons then I will try getting you a part time role in two dramas and then I will get you a big one. If you improve fas you can start sooner. How does that sound.", JYP said.
"It sounds great! I am really thankfull for everything.", I said and bowed my head.
"That is perfect. Your lessons will start Tomorrow. Now you are free to go. Chan you will go to the rest and practise with them."
After we bowed we stepped out.
"See it went well!", Chan said. We were walking to the practise room.
"Well I was pretty nervous.", I said.
"You didn't even need me.", he said as cheer.
"Well but it was better that you were there. I needed you mentally there.", I said and stopped infront of the practise room. Chan opened the door and let me step in first, gentelman like. We both stepped in and watched the rest till they noticed us.
"Hi you both did it went well?", Felix asked after hugging me.
"Yeah. She is starting acting lessons tomorrow and in less than a month she will be getting her first role.", Chan said.
"That is great!", Felix said.
We talked for short then they started practising. I was watching them. After they were done hours later, Chan showed me the room where I will be taking my lessons. I still couldn't believe it. it all went so fast. Now my dream job is gettng reality.

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