Chapter 18: New years eve

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New years eve:
Straykids and I were waiting till midnight.
"Happy new year everyone!", we said at the same time. Then some phones started vibrating.
"You made things official?! How could you not tell us.", Hyunjin started acting like his drama queen self.  
"Well,...", I said.
"I want an explanation.", Seungmin said.  
"Well, JYP called us in his office on christmas. He was like: This year went so good that you could announce things. Then we both said yes and here we are now.", Felix said.
"And you didn't plan telling us?!", Hyunjin was full in his drama queen role.
"Guys I am tired. I will go to bed.", I lied. I want to look at the reactions of JYPs post.
"Should I come with you?", Felix asked.
"No it's fine. You can stay with the guys.", I answered.
"Goodnight.", I said before I went in Felix room. I pulled out my phone. I got tons of messages at my instergram account. I want to look at the reactions to the announcment first. I scrolled down and found some reactions:  
Cute, Felix found his soulmate.;
I already found somethings suspisious and now it's true. I am happy for them.#IsupportFelixandY/N;
They could be a really sweet couple. We need ship material! #IsupportFelixandY/N;
No Felix you are mine. Shame on Y/N.#wehateY/N;
I love Y/Ns acting projekts and I hope you can act like that in future too, even tho you have a soulmate.;
Wait what?! No Felix is ours not yours#wehateY/N.;
Stop hating them they can't do anything against it. #IsupportFelixandY/N.
There will always be people who don't like it, I thought.
I saw two hastag were rising on twitter:  #IsupportFelixandY/N and #wehateY/N.
Really? They do hate me? Well I need to not care about the hate coments they can't change things anyways. I went on to my Instergram account. I got a lot of possitive messages but here and there were hate comments. I know I need to ignore them but I still read them:
Go kill yourself. You don't deserve Felix.;
We hate you with everything we got.  
After that I decided to take a look at the positive comments. I screenshoted some and made a story on Instagram: Thank you all for supporting us. We love you.    
I also added a selfie of Felix and me in the snow wich the took a few days ago. Now I only need to press the buton. And done. Its official online. Well I need to go to sleep now because it is almost 1am.
"Goodnight", I said to myself.

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